Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Tuesday TV Touchbase: Snowpiercer, Garfunkel and Oates

Welcome to the Tuesday TV Touchbase where I post about stuff I'm watching on TV.  

Yes, I watched Hamilton on Disney+.  But I decided that should get it's own post which it did. Posted earlier today. 

Go back and read it if you want. I'll wait. 



Yes, Hamilton was awesome!!! 

Now, on to other things.  

The revolution has begun... at BOTH ends of the train.

I'm a bit surprised to see the status quo of Snowpiercer being so fundamentally challenged in it's first season.  

From the Tail, Andre Layton leads a rebellion that succeeds more than other attempts because Layton's plans to get more information about Snowpiercer and to rally support from Third Class pay off.  

For all the planning, the rebellion still comes down to a very bloody and violent warfare with knives and axes hacking and slaying, littering Snowpiercer with bodies and body parts awash in a sea of blood.  

Meanwhile, upheaval has come to First Class who have grown dissatisfied with how Melanie Cavill is running the train on behalf of Mr. Wilford. It is a dissatisfaction that explodes when LJ Folger tips everyone off that Mr. Wilford is not on the train and that Melanie Cavill is running the train herself, not on behalf of anyone. 

We've got ourselves a mutiny as Melanie is arrested and chained to the same table where Jodie was killed by Melanie in the previous episode.  Ruth, who had served Mr. Wilford loyally, is particularly disturbed by what she sees as Melanie's betrayal of her trust. 

Melanie Cavill is to be executed for her acts of treason.  

Which is pretty damn ironic as it's Melanie Cavill, not Mr. Wilford, who built Snowpiercer and she is the only hope to keep the Engine Eternal going lest all of what remains of humanity perishes in the deep freeze.  

There's dissension in the ranks of First Class and security is focusing on maintaining order in First Class during this time of upheaval.

Which is what Andre Layton had in mind when he fed LJ Folger the intel that Melanie Cavill is Mr. Wilford.  

And now we're facing down the end of season 1. Next Sunday is a two hour finale.  Snowpiercer has always ready been renewed for Season 2. But given the current status of the train, I'm not sure what Snowpiercer will look like in it's 2nd season.  

Garfunkel and Oates
When I go to Amazon Prime to watch The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (halfway through season 2 now), I've also been catching up on Garfunkel and Oates, a TV series featuring Garfunkel and Oates (Riki Lindhome and Kate Micucci), a music satire duo.  The series originally aired on IFC in late summer 2014 for one season only.  

I've watched 3 of the 8 episodes so far. One episode has Garfunkel and Oates meeting their Rule 34 porn version, Garfinger and Butts who are inexplicably more popular than Garfunkel and Oates. 

And then Riki and Kate decide to "Little Mermaid" a couple of guys they're seeing. How far can they go in a relationship before either guy realizes Riki and Kate never talk? The answer is for both women, up to the 3rd date.  

For an example of what Garfunkel and Oates do, here's Pregnant Women Are Smug. 

OK, that's it for this week's Tuesday TV Touchbase. Next week, I will probably have a few words to say about the season finale of Snowpiercer. 

And some other stuff.

Until next time, stay safe, remember to be good to one another and keep it down, would ya, I'm trying to watch some TV here. 

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