Mostly, people work for Li'l Donnie not because they have achieved any superior skill at their respective responsibilities or even a basic level of competency but rather they wind up in his employ due to their fealty and loyalty to him.
And usually these are people who have burned a great number of bridges behind them and quite frankly, no one other than Donald Trump would hire them.
Take, for instance, Trump's national finance chairperson who while attending Trump's circle jerk at Mt. Rushmore on July 3rd learned she had contracted the coronavirus.
She was on a private flight back to Washington DC almost immediately.
Not so fast for the rest of her staff. About a half-dozen junior campaign staffers were forced to quarantine in their hotel rooms in Rapid City, South Dakota, unable to get home.
Stephanie Alexander, Trump's campaign chief of staff, got an earful about it later. These campaign aides had a lot to complain about.
1) They were possibly exposed to a very dangerous and potentially lethal disease.
2) They were stuck without testing for several days in their hotel rooms in Rapid City, South Dakota.
3) They were stuck in hotel rooms in Rapid City, South Dakota for God's sake! No one should be stuck in Rapid City, South Dakota!
4) Their erstwhile boss had abandoned them with no regard for their well being.
Well, it you haven't figured out from the title, hat boss, Trump's national finance chairperson, is Kimberly Guilfoyle.
Well, readers of I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You, the LEGend is back.
So what is Kimberly Guilfoyle up to?
Republicans familiar with the Trump campaign’s fundraising tell of an operation plagued by incompetence, inexperience, and irresponsible spending.
Which we've come to expect from Donald Trump's "only hiring the best people".
What exactly gives Kimberly Guilfoyle a LEG up over other persons when it comes to managing a fund raising operation? What part of her LEGacy as a lawyer and a cable news personality makes Kimberly Guilfoyle qualified to be the national finance chairperson of a presidential campaign?
Kimberly Guilfoyle is not without some LEGitimate skills, starting with her LEGal career as an attorney, then moving on the become a LEGal analyst for CNN then obtaining a near LEGendary position as a pundit and analyst for Fox News.
By many aLEGgations, Kimberly Guilfoyle was a difficult person to work with or for at Fox News. She felt she pretty much runned the place. Much of her LEGacy of power and influence at Fox News is attributable to the strong patronage she enjoyed from Roger Ailes.
However once Roger Ailes was removed from power as the head of Fox News, Kimberly Guilfoyle no longer had the support that served as the basis of her perceived power at the network. Her LEGacy at the network could not last long after Ailes' departure. Having enough of the aLEGgations that Kimberly Guilfoyle was a total bitch to work for, Fox News showed her the door.
Kimberly Guilfoyle was already fucking Donald Trump Jr. which she turned into a job working for the Trump campaign.
Whatever LEGit skills she has from her LEGal career, Kimberly Guilfoyle has no background in managing a large multi-million dollar fundraising operation for a presidential campaign. She is Trump's national finance chairperson because she's loyal to Li'l Donnie and is fucking his son.
That's not to say that Kimberly Guilfoyle does not have supporters in her role. Ronna McDaniel, the Republican National Committee chairwoman, describes Kimberly as one of Trump's "strongest and hardest-working advocates."
Rep. Kevin McCarthy says "Kimberly Guilfoyle is putting on a master class when it comes to raising valuable resources and connecting with voters."
I will admit that Kimberly Guilfoyle has a certain gregarious style when it comes to communicating with the public. But like in her LEGendary days at Fox News, Kimberly Guilfoyle finds herself in a position of power thanks to a patron that few in the Republican party would dare to contradict.
In case you're wondering what the hell this post was about, two prior posts from 2018 continue to be the most frequently accessed posts on I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You:
A Farewell To Fox News LEGend, Kimberly Guilfoyle
When I saw that had done a story about Kimberly's work as Trump's national finance chairperson, well, hell, I'm no dummy. I saw a chance to drive traffic to this blog for whatever perverted reason those two posts from 2018 still drive eyeballs to this blog 2 years later.
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"We would apologize for this blog's shameless lack of adherence to standards...if this blog had any." |
Tomorrow, I'm back with Songs For Saturday.
After that, Cinema Sunday visits... the Cat-Women of the Moon.
Until next time, remember to be good to one another.
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"Seriously, no standards AT ALL!" |
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