Monday, December 21, 2020

Doctor Who Fan Fiction: The Forest of the Damned

Hi there! Today on I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You, I'm posting something I haven't written in about 3 years, a Doctor Who fan fiction. 

A couple of notes up front: 

1) My preferred method of writing fan fiction is the form of a script and not as a prose story. 

2) This particular episode takes place after the Spyfall two parter in Series 12 but before Fugitive of the Judoon.

3) While I try to hew to the established continuity of whatever season I writing in, this is purely a work of fan fiction and has no bearing on Doctor Who canon. 

OK, let's get this show started. 

Scene opens

The wild swirling energy of the Time Vortex but more chaotic than usual. Blue lightning sparks through the vortex and around a tumbling object, the TARDIS. 

Interior, TARDIS console room

The Doctor, Yasmin, Graham and Ryan are being tossed all about as the TARDIS rattles and turns, the blue lightning sparking all around the console.

YASMIN: Doctor! 

GRAHAM: I'm getting a bit sea sick, Doc! 

DOCTOR: Hold on! Hold on! 

The Doctor scrambles to the console and frantically works the controls. 

RYAN: What's going on? 

DOCTOR: The TARDIS hit a Charged Vacuum Emboitment in the time vortex! The TARDIS is out of control! 

The Doctor continues to quickly manipulate controls. 

DOCTOR: Think, Doctor! Think! C'mon! I need both brains working on this! 

RYAN: Wait! Both...? 

The Doctor snaps her fingers.

DOCTOR:  Ah ha! I got it! 

While the TARDIS continues to shake and sputter while Yasmin, Graham and Ryan are being tossed around, the Doctor turns to them and smiles. 

DOCTOR: Hi, fam! I've thought of a fun group activity we can do! 

GRAHAM: Does it involve us not being tossed around like a load of laundry in a washing machine? 

DOCTOR: Yes, Graham, it does! Or we might die! 

YASMIN: Wait! What? 

The Doctor scrunches her face.  

DOCTOR: Could go either way! C'mon, fam! I need you to get to the console. 

Yasmin, Graham and Ryan stagger to the console. As the following discussion ensues, the TARDIS continues to be unstable with sparks flying everywhere. 

DOCTOR: Do you remember what I said about touching the TARDIS controls? 

RYAN: Er, not to?

DOCTOR: Exactly, Ryan! Good lad! Well, today that is going to change!  

YASMIN: Wow! We're going to fly the TARDIS?

DOCTOR: Yes! Or no, depending on how this works! 

GRAHAM: I'm not feeling good about this, Doc! 

RYAN: That's what you get for eating that egg salad before we left Earth! 

GRAHAM: Not now, Ryan!

DOCTOR: Two things. One: You can never be too careful when it comes to egg salad, Graham! 

GRAHAM: That's the first thing?

DOCTOR: And two: I need you three to do exactly what I tell you when I tell you, got it?

YASMIN: We're ready, Doctor! 

DOCTOR: Thanks, Yaz! You see the lever on the 3rd panel to your left. 

YASMIN: Hmm! Yes! 

DOCTOR: When I tell you to and only when I tell you to, twist it! Graham?

GRAHAM: Yeah, Doc! 

DOCTOR: There is a big red button on the panel in front of you, yeah? 

GRAHAM: Big as day, Doc!

DOCTOR: When I tell you to and only when I tell you to, bop it!  

GRAHAM: Bop it? 

DOCTOR: Yes, bop it!  Ryan? 

RYAN: Yeah! 

DOCTOR: To the right, next to the yellow flashing light is a blue button! Got it?

RYAN: Got it! 

DOCTOR: When I tell you to and only when I tell you to, press it!  

YASMIN: What about you, Doctor? 

DOCTOR: Oh, I'll be handling the other 837 switches, buttons and levers! But what I do will not work if you do not twist, bop and press when I tell you to and in the order I tell you, understood?

YASMIN (managing a slight smile): Understood! 

GRAHAM (grimacing): Feeling no stress here, Doc! 

RYAN (he looks worried as hell): 'Cause I got all the stress over here! 

DOCTOR: Lets go fam! It's do or die time! 

As the Doctor rushes around the console, quickly working a plethora of controls, she yells out orders to the fam for their respective tasks.

DOCTOR: Bop! Twist! Twist! Press! Bop! Press! Bop!  Twist! Press! Bop! Press! Press! Twist! Bop! Press! 

As the Doctor and her fam proceed, the TARDIS shakes less, the sparks begin to reduce and the time rotor is starting to work more smoothly. Ryan never lets up in his intense focus to press the button accurately. Graham has a bemused expression like this isn't the silliest thing he's ever done with the Doctor but it's close. Yasmin has a broad smile like this is the most fun she's ever had. 


Scene change

The TARDIS materializes in the corner of a lush green city park. The normal sound of the TARDIS is a bit off as it comes into view.


DOCTOR (exiting): Result! 

RYAN: We're back home... I think! It's Earth, right? 

GRAHAM: Way to go, Doc! 

YASMIN: Never doubted you for a second, Doctor! 

The Doctor touches the side of the box, looking concerned.

DOCTOR: You went through quite a wobble, eh, girl? 

YASMIN: Is the TARDIS going to be OK? 

DOCTOR (walking around the box): Probably! A collision with a Charged Vacuum Emboitment can really mess up a TARDIS!

RYAN:  Hold on! This isn't Sheffield! 

DOCTOR: Still, I think the TARDIS will be fine with a bit of a recharge.

GRAHAM: You're right, Ryan! We're in Cardiff! 

DOCTOR:  Which is why we're in Cardiff! 

YASMIN: Why Cardiff? 

DOCTOR: There's an interdimensional rift running right through the middle of  Cardiff. I sealed the rift back in 1869 but the scar from the rift still generates energy. 

GRAHAM: I don't think they mention that in the travel brochures, Doc! 

RYAN: Does Cardiff have travel brochures? 

Yasmin punches Ryan in the arm. 

DOCTOR: The energy is invisible to human eyes and detection devices. Completely harmless to people but perfect  to recharge the TARDIS. 

 RYAN: What do we do now? 

DOCTOR: Best let the TARDIS rest awhile, absorb some rift energy and she'll be right as rain. So maybe just wander off, relax a bit.

In the back ground, Yasmin looks a bit distracted. The four began walking away from the TARDIS. 

RYAN: Is it OK to leave the TARDIS like this? 

DOCTOR: Perfectly fine. 

GRAHAM: Strange blue box in a city park? 

DOCTOR: Do you know how most humans perceive something strange? They ignore it! Just walk on by.

RYAN: So what are we going to do in Cardiff? 

GRAHAM: Maybe sight see a bit. 

RYAN: It's just Cardiff. 

GRAHAM: Hey, I've never been to Cardiff before! 

Yasmin continues to be distracted, looking at down at her hands. Which have a faint blue glow about them. 

YASMIN (whispers): Why are my hands blue? 

RYAN: 'Fore he ran off, me dad brought me here when I was little. I was not impressed.

GRAHAM: Maybe we can grab a bite to eat?

RYAN: What? You were about to toss your lunch a few moments ago?

GRAHAM: That was then. Now is now and I'm feeling....


Yasmin has stopped walking with the group. Her shoulders are hunched over with her back turned.  

GRAHAM:, what? 

The Doctor, Ryan and Graham turn to walk back to where Yasmin is standing. Her head is lowered and her body is quivering.

DOCTOR: Yaz! What's wrong?

YASMIN: N--n--nothing....

Yasmin raises her head and turns. The faint blue glow around her hands has travelled to her face. The faint blue light gives her a deathly pallor. 

YASMIN: Nothing is wrong... Doctor! 

The Doctor pulls out her sonic and starts scanning. Yasmin's expression becomes harsh, hostile, menacing. 

RYAN: Yasmin!!!

GRAHAM: Doc! What's going on? 

DOCTOR: Something... strange! 

GRAHAM: We can see that, Doc! 

DOCTOR: Hush, Graham! I working on this! 

YASMIN: Why, Doctor, do you put up with them! 

RYAN: That glow! It's like that energy we saw earlier in the TARDIS! 

DOCTOR: Yeah, I kind of noticed that, Ryan! 

GRAHAM: That can't be a coincidence, can it? 

YASMIN: Don't be stupid! Of course, it's not a coincidence. So obvious, really!  

Bright blue energy sparks about her. Yasmin's features are a bit out of focus.  

RYAN: Yaz! What the hell....? 

GRAHAM: Doc! Something's happening to Yaz! 

YASMIN: (sarcastically) "Something's happening to Yaz!" Oh, you humans are so dim! 

The Doctor pushes forward in front of Ryan and Graham, her sonic at the ready, scanning. 

DOCTOR: Ryan, Graham, stay back! 

RYAN: But Doctor! Something's wrong with Yaz! 

YASMIN: Nothing is wrong with Yaz! She's just a tool I'm using! 

DOCTOR: Whoever you are, stop what you're doing! Leave Yaz alone NOW! 

YASMIN: "Whoever?" Oh, Doctor! Are you really that stupid? 

The Doctor's eyes are wide with a growing realization. 

DOCTOR: No! Stop now! 

YASMIN: Oh, the slow dawn of knowledge finally creeps across your pitiful brain. Who else would use this hapless human fool as a receiver? Who else could engineer such a complicated biological swap across dimensions?

The glow around Yasmin grows brighter and it hurts.  

YASMIN: Arrrrgghhh! Doctor! Help! I can feel... I can... it hurts... he's trying....

DOCTOR: Yasmin!!!

YASMIN: No,  NOT Yasmin Kahn! This...

Yasmin shifts appearance to the Master.




The Master shakes his head and stretches.

MASTER: WHOOOAAA!!! What a rush! 

DOCTOR (dejected): No. 

RYAN: What the hell? 

GRAHAM: The Master. 

MASTER: The one and only and I am BACK, baby! Boo-yah!  

Ryan starts to lunge at the Master but Graham holds him back and the Doctor stands in his way. 

RYAN: What did you do to Yaz? Where is she? 

MASTER: Yasmin and I swapped places. She is merely where I was. 

RYAN: If you've hurt her....

MASTER: Hush! Yasmin Kahn is perfectly safe....

The Master grins wickedly.

MASTER: ...ish! 


MASTER: Doctor, really? I'm back and you have no say.

The sharp trilling of the Doctor's sonic screwdriver changes tone and the Master flinches as if in pain.

MASTER: ARGH! Doctor! What are you...? 

DOCTOR: It's an oldie but a goodie! I'm reversing the polarity!!

MASTER: You... can't...

DOCTOR: Oh yes I can! I'm bringing back Yasmin Kahn RIGHT NOW!!! 

MASTER: Noooo!!!!

The blue glow returns and envelopes the Master. 

MASTER: I am...the Master! You.... can't....

The Master shifts form back to Yaz for a split second. 

YASMIN (frantic, reaching out): Doctor! Please!!!

Back to the Master

MASTER: Can't... make me...  I will...   ARRGGGHHHH!!! 

The blue glow is completely blinding and when it finally abates, the Master is gone but Yasmin has not returned. 

RYAN: What.... Where'd he go? 


RYAN: Doctor, where's Yaz? 

The Doctor stands in place, the sonic in her hand. She looks stunned, maybe even a bit horrified.

DOCTOR (very quietly to herself): Yaz? I'm... sorry....


Scene change: 

YASMIN (close up in a blue light, screaming): NOOOOOO!!!!

We pull out further to see Yaz is standing but a bit staggered. She is somewhere dark as the blue light dims a bit. 

YASMIN: Wha...? Whoa! Wh...where am... uh oh...

Yaz looks up and around to see she is surrounded by giant stalks that snake their way into the darkness above her. The stalks curve and undulate like giant undersea kelp surrounded by strange lights while glowing bursts of light travel along the stalks.  

Yaz is in the ethereal dimension of the Kasaavin where she was zapped to in Spyfall Part 1.  

YASMIN: Bloody hell! Not this place again.  

Catching her breath, Yaz moves slowly between the stalks.

YASMIN: How did I get here? And why? Good questions, PC Kahn. 

Suddenly Yaz hears a low level whispering sound.  

YASMIN: (echoing) Hello? Is someone there? 

Little slivers of light travel down the stalks as the whispering grows louder. Yasmin's resolve is shaken a bit. 

YASMIN: No. Don't.  

Among the stalks, Yaz sees the outline of a bright humanoid figure. 

YASMIN: Who... who are you?

KASAAVIN (whispers louder, more distinct): We are the Kasaavin. 

YASMIN: Yeah! You lot! What do you want? 

KASAAVIN: So many questions. It seems almost intelligent. 

YASMIN: I'll show you "almost intelligent". 

KASAAVIN: Belligerent. Hostile. What is it? 

YASMIN: Send me back! I demand you send me back to Earth now! 

KASAAVIN: Perhaps it is... food? 

The lights travelling along the stalks and the bright humanoid figure become brighter as the figure advances on Yasmin.

YASMIN: No! I am not food! 

Yasmin plants her feet firmly with her fists raised, ready to right. 

KASAAVIN: The food is defiant! 

YASMIN: Stay back! NO! 

MASTER (from off screen): The lady is not on the menu!!

The Master steps into view with a device in hand that shoots out a beam of light. The bright humanoid figure recoils.

KASAAVIN: The betrayer! 

MASTER: It's "the Master" and Yasmin Kahn is not food.

The figure and the lights in the stalks recede as the Master turns to face Yaz with a broad wicked smile. He licks his lips.

MASTER: At least... not yet! 


Scene change  

Back to the park in Cardiff where the Doctor is frantically scanning the empty air with her sonic screwdriver where both Yasmin and the Master disappeared. Graham and Ryan watch with extreme worry.

RYAN: What the hell happened? Where is Yaz 

GRAHAM: And the Master? What's he doing, Doc?  

DOCTOR: Sorry! So sorry! No answers! Just questions! 

RYAN: We need to do something, yeah? Find Yaz and get her back! 

GRAHAM: Ryan, son. Give the Doc a chance, OK? 

RYAN: But we...  we weren't fightin' nobody, right? No alien menace or nothing. Just some mates out for a walk, going to dinner and then... all this?!?

GRAHAM: It's got me mind all wobbly too, Ryan. 

RYAN: Can't we... just once... have a normal life? Doctor, where is Yaz? 

DOCTOR: I'm going to guess in another dimension. The readings from the sonic are scrambled but something the Master said, "a biological swap across dimensions". 

GRAHAM: What does that mean, Doc? 

DOCTOR: It's a trick I once used before myself, to transport across interstellar space, switching places, one body for another. 

GRAHAM: So what happened to the Master? 

DOCTOR: I'm not sure. I reversed the polarity of whatever energy the Master used to make the swap happen. 

GRAHAM: And bring Yaz back, right, Doc?

DOCTOR: Right, Graham. Except....

RYAN: Yaz is not here.

DOCTOR: No. No she isn't. 

RYAN: Where is she then?

DOCTOR: I'm not sure.

RYAN: You're not sure?

DOCTOR: Working on it, Ryan. 

RYAN: Doctor?

GRAHAM:  Ryan, son, give the doc a chance to think, eh? 

The Doctor looks down for a moment, lost in thought. 


DOCTOR: The Kasaavin. 

GRAHAM: The Kasaavin? 

DOCTOR: The other dimensional beings the Master was manipulating. 

RYAN: Yeah, they took the Master away, last we saw them.

GRAHAM: None too happy with the Master they were. 

DOCTOR: The Kasaavin took the Master to their own dimension. 

GRAHAM: The Master was escaping from the Kasaavin. 

DOCTOR: Exactly, Graham! 

RYAN: He swapped places with Yaz? 

DOCTOR: Makes sense. Yaz spent time in Kasaavin space. She would've retained some of the energy resonance of that dimension for the Master to lock on to. 

RYAN: Yasmin told me about that place. She was afraid, Doctor.

DOCTOR:  I know. 

RYAN: And because of you....

GRAHAM:  Steady, Ryan. 

RYAN: Because of you, she's stuck there with the Master! 

DOCTOR: Do you not think I already know that, Ryan Sinclair? 

RYAN: But do you care?

GRAHAM: Ryan, there's no call for that! 

RYAN: Graham, don't you... It's the way it always is, isn't it?

GRAHAM: Ryan! 

RYAN: Yaz is gone, missing, probably hurt, maybe...

The Doctor looks at Ryan. She doesn't like where this is going.

RYAN:  Who knows what's happened to Yaz!  But it's just another problem to you, isn't it?

GRAHAM: Ryan, you're out of line!  

DOCTOR: It is another problem for ME to solve! And I will solve it! Like I ALWAYS do!  I will save Yasmin Kahn and I will make the Master pay for what he's done! Am I clear?

GRAHAM: Very clear, doc. 

RYAN: Yeah. 

DOCTOR: And do NOT assume for a moment that I do not care. 

The Doctor takes out the sonic and begins scanning. She's not making eye contact with Ryan or Graham,

DOCTOR: It is Yaz, after all. 


Scene change - the alien forest of the Kasaavin dimension. Yaz is pushing through the dark stalks as the Master follows. 

MASTER: C'mon, Yaz! 

YASMIN: Shut up! 

MASTER: Is it something I said? 

YASMIN: Go away! 

MASTER: Are you still mad that I tried to kill you and your friends in a plane crash? 

Yaz says nothing, just grunts with annoyance.

MASTER: Are you really going to hold that against me? Oh, it was all in good fun, right?

Yaz stops and turns to confront the Master. 

YASMIN: What the hell is wrong with you? 

The Master holds Yaz's gaze for a moment and then he calmly answers her. 

MASTER: As a child on Gallifrey, I saw the Untempered Schism, a gap in the fabric of reality where I could see the raw power of time and space. I went mad and it's been a fun ride ever since. Why? 

YASMIN (exasperated): You know, I don't care. 

Yaz turns to resume walking away from the Master. 

MASTER: Well, that's just rude! I opened up to you! I thought we had a moment there! You and me? Yaz? Yaz! Wait up! 

YASMIN: I want to get out of here! 

MASTER:  You're not going to find the exit that way. I cobbled together what tech I had on my person when the Kasaavin brought me here. A negative resonator to keep the Kasaavin at bay. They seem to think I'm food.

YASMIN: So I noticed. 

MASTER: And a dimensional transponder to swap places with you so I could finally get out of here.

YASMIN: What are you doing back here? 

MASTER:  Your precious Doctor, of course! 

Yaz stops and confronts the Master.

YASMIN: What about the Doctor? 

MASTER:  Oh, she used that silly sonic toy of her's to reverse my polarity and send me back. And I presume she thought it might reverse the whole effect and bring you back but... Whoopsie! 

YASMIN: The Doctor will get me out of here.

Yas resumes walking away. 

MASTER: Don't be daft!

YASMIN: I trust the Doctor!

MASTER: Trust? The Doctor? HA! You're not the first person to make that mistake! 

Yas keeps walking away. 

MASTER:  I already told you you're not going to find an exit. 

YASMIN: I can still walk away from you! 

MASTER:  What the hell is wrong with you? 

Yaz stops. 

YASMIN: What?!?

MASTER:  You asked me. It seems only fair that I ask you too.

YASMIN: There's nothing wrong with me. 

MASTER:  Of course there is. There's a little bit wrong with everybody. And that is especially true for the Doctor's pets. 

YASMIN: Pets? 

MASTER:  OK, "pets" is a little too on the nose. I believe the term is "assistants", I think? Or "companions"? 

YASMIN: The Doctor says we're her fam. 

MASTER:  "Fam"? Really? Are you kidding me? As in family? Well, that is quite the audacious twist on a very old lie. 


MASTER:  Oh dear. As if the relationship between the Doctor and those pathetic humans who follow her about in that rickety old TARDIS is nothing more than transactional. 

In a huff, Yaz turns and resumes walking away from the Master.

MASTER:  You are just the Doctor's cannon fodder! 

YASMIN: Go away! 

MASTER:  Why should I when I think this is just now getting interesting. 

YASMIN: Shut up! 

MASTER:  I've struck a nerve, haven't I? This Doctor that you follow around. How little do you truly know about her. Do you really know how the Doctor feels about you? 

Yaz keeps walking. 

MASTER:  Here's a better question: How do you really feel about the Doctor? 

Yaz stops.

YASMIN: How I feel about the Doctor is none of your damn business. 

MASTER:  But fraught with such potential for amusement, don't you think? 

Yaz stays still. 

MASTER:  You're not the first, you know. 

YASMIN: I know others have travelled with the Doctor. 

MASTER:  That's not what I'm talking about. 

Yaz says nothing. 

MASTER:  You're not the first to be in love with the Doctor. 

Yaz faces the Master, glaring angrily at him.

YASMIN: What the hell are you prattling on about now? 

MASTER:  You're in love with the Doctor! 

YASMIN: Shut up! 

MASTER:  You luuuuuuuuuuuuuuv her! 

Yaz advances on the Master

YASMIN: I said shut up!! 

MASTER (sing song): Yasmin loves the Doctor! Yasmin loves the Doctor! Yasmin--

Yaz winds up and punches the Master in the face.

MASTER: WHOA! Li'l Yasmin Kahn has claws! Who would of thunk it? 

YASMIN: Why won't you just stop talking?

MASTER: Struck a nerve, eh,Yaz? 

YASMIN: Just shut up! 

MASTER: NO! You shut up! And LISTEN! 

The Master is moving from nuisance to menacing. His voice is lower, sounding more sinister. 

MASTER: The Doctor is so inferior to me in so many ways but she is still a Time Lord! Far above and beyond the petty emotional foibles of mere humans.

Yasmin swings to strike at the Master again but the Master grabs her wrist and gives it a twist as Yaz falls to her knees in pain.

YASMIN: Arrgh! No!

MASTER: It's like loving the stars themselves, isn't it? Do you expect a sunset to admire you back? 

Yaz groans in pain as the Master continues to twist her wrist and her forearm, forcing her to the ground as he continues to snarl in her face. 

MASTER: You are useful to the Doctor! Oh the Doctor may be stupid and sentimental...

YASMIN: The Doctor... cares...  about us...

MASTER: But love? The Doctor has no concept! She is a Time Lord! In ways she cannot yet comprehend, the ultimate Time Lord! A Time Lord has no more affection for a human than a carpenter has for a hammer! 

YASMIN: The Doctor... cares...  about... me...

The Master lets go of Yaz's wrist and roughly grabs her arm as he drags her to her feet! 


The Master shoves Yaz away as she stumbles into the forest.

MASTER: Hie thee to a nunnery, harlot! You are unwanted, unworthy and unloved!!! Your precious Doctor will not save you!!! You will die here, Yasmin Kahn! DIE!!!!

The Master's mocking laughter echoing in her ears, Yaz stumbles through the alien forest, caught up in her anger and fear. She slows down a bit to catch her breath. 

YASMIN: No, Yaz! Just... stop. 

As her breathing settles down, Yaz straightens up.

YASMIN: The Master is just.... another bully. Another bully trying to hurt me for being... who I am. 

Yaz looks around her at the dark twisting stalks of the alien forest. She may still be scared but she is summoning up more courage and confidence. 

YASMIN: I may die here! But I will not be bullied out being who I am. 

Suddenly there is a haunting whisper.

VOICE (FX): Who... are you? 

Abruptly the curved stalks began to glow again as bursts of light travel along the stalks. In a flash, the bright humanoid figure reappears. Yaz reflexively lets out a shriek.  

KASAAVIN: You are... not food? 

YASMIN: No, I am NOT food! 

KASAAVIN: Then who... are you?

YASMIN: I... I'm Yaz. Yasmin Kahn. 

Yaz clears her throat, straightens up a bit.

YASMIN: PC Yasmin Kahn, Sheffield Police. 

KASAAVIN: You are... not like... the other. 

YASMIN: No. Most definitely not. No! 

What appears to be a hand extends from the glowing humanoid.

YASMIN: Wh.. what are you...? 


The hand touches lightly upon Yaz's forehead. 

KASAAVIN: ... not be afaid.

Yasmin's eyes grow wide in the incandescent glow.

YASMIN: Doctor? 

The light from the glowing humanoid totally envelopes Yaz. 

The Master comes strolling through the forest.

MASTER: Oh, Yaz! Poor, poor, pitiful Yaz! So full of the delusions of love and self-worth only to become lunch in an alien forest.

The Master cocks his head to one side and smiles. 

MASTER: Some times when things become desperate, it may be necessary to eat the family... pet...

Yaz stands in the Kasaavin's blinding glow. 

YASMIN: Do you not get tired of always being wrong? 

MASTER (takes a step back): What? 

YASMIN: Yeah, what you're experiencing is that slow dawn of knowledge finally creepin' across your pitiful brain. 

MASTER: What is going on here? 

YASMIN: It's just your basic biological swap across dimensions! 

The glow around Yasmin grows brighter.  

MASTER: No, no, no, no, no! You can't be doing this! 

YASMIN: Are you scared, "Master"? She's comin'! 


YASMIN: She's practically here! 

Yasmin shifts appearance to the Doctor

MASTER: The Doctor! 

DOCTOR: One and only! 

The Doctor strides purposefully towards the Master. She shoves him against one of the alien stalks. Her left forearm is pressed firm against his neck. The fingers of her right hand are pressing on a spot on his shoulder. 

MASTER (wheezing): No! Listen! you...

DOCTOR: Shut up! Venusian akido is keeping your nervous system paralyzed while I decide what I should do with you!

MASTER: What? Should I be frightened? Of you? It's not like you're going to kill me!

DOCTOR: Don't push me!

MASTER: You... you have rules! 

DOCTOR: Rules? Don't you DARE talk to me about rules!!!

The Doctor pushes a little harder on the Master's throat.

DOCTOR: You murdered Gallifrey! 

MASTER: If you know... what they did....

DOCTOR: I... don'!!!

MASTER (gurgling): Really... hard to... breathe...

DOCTOR: Then what you did to Yaz! 

MASTER: Surely... we can discuss... 

Then the Doctor begins to glow. She releases her hold on the Master and shoves him to the ground. 

DOCTOR: I reversed engineered what you got wrong with your attempt at a biological swap.  I turned your bug into my feature.

The glow around the Doctor becomes brighter as the Master staggers to his feet. 

MASTER: No! You can't... leave me...

DOCTOR: I'm going back to make sure Yaz is OK. Then I will be back to make sure you pay for what you did to Gallifrey. 

MASTER: Doctor! 

DOCTOR: And to Yaz! 

Suddenly the alien stalks are ablaze with light as several glowing humanoid figures emerge from the forest. 

DOCTOR: Assuming, of course, you survive. 


DOCTOR: Sorry! Must dash! 

And with that, the Doctor vanishes. The glowing humanoid figures advance on the panicked Master. 

KASAAVIN: Are you... food? 


Scene change

A nice little bistro in Cardiff. Ryan and Graham are sitting at a table. Ryan is idly picking at his chips while Graham is carving into a steak. 

RYAN: How are you always so hungry? 

GRAHAM: Making up for lost time maybe? When I had cancer, the chemo wrecked my appetite. It was all Grace could do to get me to eat anything. When the cancer went into remission, I guess my appetite for all those missed meals came roaring back.

RYAN: I don't think that's how that works. 

GRAHAM: Maybe not but it makes sense to me so I'm sticking with it. Speaking of appetites, you should stop playing with your food. 

RYAN: I'm not hungry.  

GRAHAM: Ryan, son, when all that stuff was happening with Yaz...

RYAN: I know. Lost me temper, I know. I'm sorry.  

GRAHAM: Well, there was a lot of stress. About Yaz and all. But what you said. Are you... reconsidering travelling with the Doctor?

RYAN: No. Not really. I mean, after what happened with the Master and the VOR corporation, it made me start to think. What do we really know about the Doctor? 

GRAHAM: She's opened up. Well, a little. 

RYAN: There are times she's like just the best mate you can have. Then there are times when you remember she...

GRAHAM: Has two brains?

RYAN: She's not human!

GRAHAM: Is that the only thing on your mind? Is it just the Doctor? 

RYAN: What are you getting at?  

GRAHAM: What about Yaz?

RYAN: What about her?

GRAHAM: You seemed especially worried that Yaz in particular was in danger. 

RYAN: We were mates in school together, years ago, when we were kids. 

GRAHAM: Do you have... I don't know, I'm not good at this... do you have feelings for her? 

RYAN: For Yaz? C'mon! 

GRAHAM:  Well, it makes sense. You two are close and you've been through a lot.

RYAN: Are doing some kind of matchmaking thing here? 

GRAHAM: Nah. Just curious about where your head is at is all.

RYAN: I like Yaz, OK? But not like that, you know? 

GRAHAM: I understand. 

RYAN: Besides, I think Yaz has her eyes elsewhere. 

GRAHAM: Oh, really? On who?

RYAN: Just... someone else. 

GRAHAM: Well, that doesn't answer my question. 

RYAN: You don't see it?  

GRAHAM: See what? 

RYAN: Never mind. Shouldn't have said anything...

GRAHAM: Hey, if you're not going to finish those chips...

And we pull back from the table and to outside the restaurant. Twilight is falling over Cardiff as our attention turns back to the park where the TARDIS is. 


Outside in the fading glow of sunset sits the Doctor on a park bench in front of the TARDIS. Her eyes are closed and in her mind we see the ruins of Gallifrey and we hear the Master's voice.    

MASTER [voice]: I had to make them pay for what I discovered. They lied to us, the founding fathers of Gallifrey. Everything we were told was a lie. We are not who we think, you or I. The whole existence of our species built on the lie of the Timeless Child.

Yaz approaches and the Doctor opens her eyes.  

YASMIN: Ice cream? 

Yaz hands the Doctor an ice cream cone which she accepts as Yaz sits down next to her on the bench with her own ice cream cone. 

DOCTOR: Love me some ice cream. Hmm! This is delicious. What is it? 

YASMIN: Salted caramel. 

DOCTOR: Salt and sweet in a frozen concoction? Wow!! Earth is just the most amazing planet! 

YASMIN: Glad you like it, Doctor. 

DOCTOR: You know me so well, Yaz. 

YASMIN: Yeah.  

DOCTOR: You feeling OK? 

YASMIN: I feel... fine. Well,ish. I feel a little disoriented and I still see things shifting to blue out of the corner of my eye.  

DOCTOR: By tomorrow morning, your body will be acclimated to this dimension again. You'll be fine. 

YASMIN: Good.  

DOCTOR: I popped back into the Kasaavin dimension.

YASMIN: And...?

DOCTOR: The Master is gone.

YASMIN: The Kasaavin have him for dinner?

DOCTOR: Knowing the Master, not bloody likely. I will find him, But first... ice cream! 

Yaz and the Doctor sit in silence for a moment, enjoying their ice cream. 

YASMIN: Doctor? 


YASMIN: You said I know you so well... but...  I don't.  

DOCTOR: We've discussed... I told you and Ryan and Graham... about who I am...

YASMIN: Time Lord, born on Gallifrey. I know that.  

DOCTOR: What more do you-

YASMIN: How do you feel? 

DOCTOR: How do I feel? 

YASMIN: About us. 

DOCTOR: I'm not sure I follow...

(By the way, they are done with their ice cream) 

YASMIN: You call us your "fam" but we're not. Not really. Are we curiosities? Are we... pets?

DOCTOR: Pets? What did the Master say to you?

YASMIN: Nothing that I wasn't already worried about before. Doctor, I understand you're a Time Lord from another planet. But does that affect how you feel about us? Do you... care about us? 

DOCTOR: Funny. Ryan asked me the same thing while you were missing. Which means I have failed you... 

The Doctor stands up. Yaz follows as the Doctor starts to stroll throught the park.  

YASMIN: Failed, Doctor? 

DOCTOR: Look, you're right. Being a Time Lord does affect how I... interact with humans. It is a choice, ultimately. I do have feelings but I have to... control them. 


DOCTOR: Because I'm over two thousand years old and I live in all of time and space. You can spend your whole lives with me but I cannot spend my whole life with you. 

YASMIN: I'm sorry. I didn't realize. 

DOCTOR: You didn't because you couldn't. I've had centuries of keeping my secrets and it's a very hard habit to break. 

YASMIN: I understand. 

DOCTOR: I need to do better.

YASMIN: But you do care about me. 

DOCTOR: About what? 

YASMIN: About us. 

DOCTOR: You said...

YASMIN: I know. Sorry. Slip of the tongue. 

DOCTOR: I see. 

Sunset has given way to night as the street lamps light up the park as the moon hangs full in the sky above Cardiff. The Doctor and Yaz continue to stroll through the park in silence, meandering towards the TARDIS.  

YASMIN: Doctor? 

DOCTOR: Yes, Yaz? 

YASMIN: I need to tell you something. 

DOCTOR: You don't....

YASMIN: I think I need to tell you something. 

DOCTOR: All right. 

YASMIN: Do you know how important you are to me? 

The Doctor says nothing, just nods but looks worried.

YASMIN: You are... so important to me. As a mentor... and a role model... as a... friend. 

Yaz swallows hard and takes a deep breath. 

YASMIN: Maybe...more...

DOCTOR: Yaz, I...

YASMIN: I'm sorry. This is stupid, the way I'm prattling on. And this is so stupid and.... nothing good is going to come from this.... but I think I.... what I mean to say is... And I am trying to say something and I'm not sure who you will respond... you might say I can't travel with you anymore and that... scares me but I think I need to say... what I want to say....  

DOCTOR: ... I love you too, Yasmin Kahn. 

YASMIN: Wait! What? You....

DOCTOR: Yes, I am capable of feeling it. I can, just this once, say it.

YASMIN: Just this once? 

DOCTOR: Because I can feel it but I cannot live it the way you want me to. I cannot return whatever you may feel for me. 

YASMIN: Doctor? 

DOCTOR: But never forget, Yasmin Kahn! Never forget that you are wanted and worthy. And foremost and above all things, you are loved!

At that moment, Ryan and Graham. 

GRAHAM: Hi ya, Doc! 

RYAN: Hey, Doctor! Are we good to go? 

Yaz stands nearby with an annoyed expression that the guys just ruined a moment.

DOCTOR: Yes, the TARDIS is juiced up with rift energy and ready to go. 

RYAN: Yaz, are you all right?

Yaz breaks into that broad beautiful smile of hers.

YASMIN: I'm fine, Ryan! And ready for our next adventure, right, Doctor? 

The fam bustles into the TARDIS as the Doctor gently puts her hand on Yaz's shoulder as she close the door.

DOCTOR: Correctamundo, Yaz! 

As the bulb on the top starts to flash and the box begins to fade, we hear the familiar VWORP! VWORP! VWORP! as the TARDIS begins to dematerialize. From within the TARDIS we hear this.

GRAHAM: Can I have a TARDIS biscuit?

RYAN: You just ate, Graham! 

-----The End-----


So okay, that was a thing that happened.  

I know that the Doctor/Yaz shippers may be disappointed that the Doctor and Yaz don't fall into bed with one another. 

One, that is not the kind of fan fiction I write. Two, given the lack of emotional development during Chibnall's time of Doctor Who, I think I just wanted these characters to express what they are feeling even if they don't act on it. 

Thank you for your indulgence with this story.  

So next week on New Year's Day, we get actual new and real Doctor Who with "Revolution of the Daleks". 

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