However, I've watched in equal parts horror and embarrassment as certain persons in the GOP have assumed positions of leadership on the basis of the most extreme interpretations of conservative doctrine while conflating political conservative views with social conservatism.

Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) who this past Friday (4/17/2015) suggested "that young Americans planning to join the military should wait until President Barack Obama leaves office to do so because his administration has an 'open hostility toward the Christian faith'."
Click here for the rest of this story. Near the top of the comments for this story you can find this:
I've worked for military Chaplains for many years under different administrations. Huckabee is flat-out lying about this.
But it makes for good copy for the right wing faithful who have determined some time ago that Obama is in league with the devil and is out to further a hate-filled agenda towards the destruction of the United States. And this is not hyperbole. There are people, significant numbers of people, who believe this.
- Years ago, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was speaking at a public event. Graham is definitely not a pro-Obama guy by any stretch of the imagination. But when he mentioned in passing the possibility of negotiating something with the President, he was shouted down by a woman who screamed, "We don't make deals with Satan!"
- Back in 2008, before Obama won his first term in office as President, Sen. John McCain (R-NV) had to assure (privately, of course) a sobbing voter that he really didn't think Obama was going to destroy America.
So Huckabee is counseling would-be volunteers who sign up for military service to wait until Obama is no longer President since his policies promotes a “hostile work environment" for Christians.
Well, I do know of one guy who reportedly opted not to sign up again for a third tour of duty because he couldn't stand working for Obama. Now I'm thinking it may have something do with nearly getting shot in the head but better to smear Obama's rep than admit to the very human condition known as fear and self preservation.
The right wing of the GOP with the help of the constant drum beat of Fox News and right wing radio has so poisoned the well against Obama, it's not enough to just disagree with the President; no, nothing less than declaring outright mutiny against our current Commander In Chief is sufficient.
No, you don't have to agree with President Obama. Hell, you don't have to like the man. But these outright declarations of disrespect have gotten out of hand. And particularly galling is the narrative that Obama is at the forefront of a war on Christianity. Do you want to know what a war on Christianity really looks like?
Click here for the latest on what ISIS is doing to Christians.
The fact of the matter is that in the United States, the real threat to Christianity is not from without and certainly not from Obama. No, the real threat to Christianity is from within and from self-serving fear mongers like Mike Huckabee. So called Christians like Huckabee are not only on the wrong side of history but are on the wrong side of their faith. After all, do any of these reported Christians really believe that the hate-filled vitriol directed at the President would be supported by Jesus Christ? If they think their words and their actions are in keeping with the Christian faith, I can't help but think Jesus would have some objection to that. And if these alleged people of faith have a problem with that?
Well, I hear ISIS is hiring.
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