Thursday, February 4, 2016

Ted Cruz is a Lying Fuck Bastard - Part 2

Blog bidness: due to ongoing health issues, I'm moving this week's pre-written post from Friday to Thursday and posting next week's Oddball Super Heroes a week early.

Hello, gentle reader. I am Dave-El and welcome to my humble blog, I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You

Today I would like to continue a series of posts that will examine the statements of one of the candidates for US President, taking a measured and scholarly examination of this particular individual's expressions in speeches, debates and comments to the media and looking deep into the meanings of words and the very concepts of truth itself. I call this series of posts...

I've got two for you today. 

In advance of this past Monday's Iowa caucus, Ted Cruz’s campaign sent mailers to Iowa voters designed to look like official documents that accuse them of a “VOTING VIOLATION” for failure to turn out in past elections.
Republican Secretary of State Paul Pate said in a statement that Cruz’s mailers, which has the words “official public record” printed in red at the top, “misrepresents the role of my office, and worse, misrepresents Iowa election law.”

“There is no such thing as an election violation related to frequency of voting,” said Paul, who was elected statewide as a Republican in 2014. “Any insinuation or statement to the contrary is wrong and I believe it is not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa Caucuses.”

And what did Ted Cruz have to save about this? “I will apologize to nobody for using every tool we can to encourage Iowa voters to come out and vote. Our country’s in crisis.”

For more on this story, click here

Here's a truth bender from June 2015. In an effort to discredit climate experts who hold the view that global warming is impacting our climate, Sen. Ted Cruz cited a 1975 Newsweek article on “global cooling”. Basically, the gist of Cruz's argument is that scientists once thought the world was getting cooler, not warmer. So Cruz is accusing climate scientists of flip-flopping on what exactly our planet is doing and calling into question the validity of their data and positions. 

Yes, there was a story in Newsweek warning of a "cooling world" but that warning was an anomaly from the prevailing theories of climate science. It fact, the story was criticized and it's own author. Cruz claims “advocates of global cooling suddenly shifted to global warming” except there was no consensus in the 1970s that global cooling was actually a thing.  

In his continuing harangue of climate change, Cruz said 
“satellite data demonstrates that there has been no significant warming whatsoever for 17 years.” This is misleading. Though the trend line in recent years has been relatively flat, there have now been 360 consecutive months when the global temperature was above the 20th century average.

In addition to the shaky ground Ted Cruz is on regarding climate activity, it should also be noted the Texas Senator has a equally poor grasp of history.  Cruz compared “global warming alarmists” to “flat-Earthers” and himself to Galileo, saying “this heretic named Galileo was branded a denier” for insisting the Earth was round. This is wrong. Galileo’s troubles with the church stemmed from his belief that the Earth orbits the Sun. The fact that the planet is round was accepted before Galileo was born.

If you're thinking, "Dave-El, that was last year. Surely Ted Cruz is an intelligent man and has seen the light by now."
No, he isn't and no, he hasn't. Click here for more recent comments. 

And this is why we say....


Thank you ever so much for your kind attention. Remember to be good to one another and I will return with another post tomorrow.  

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