Saturday, February 20, 2016

Ted Cruz Is a Lying Fuck Bastard - Part 5

Greetings, my blog reading friend. I'm Dave-El and I welcome you to my blog, I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You. 

I would like to start today's post with an apology that yet again I'm posting another edition of TED CRUZ IS A LYING FUCK BASTARD.  The original intent was I would post this once a week with maybe one or two examples per post. 

But since January 29th when I posted part 1 of this series, today marks the 5th appearance of TED CRUZ IS A LYING FUCK BASTARD. And if you add to special post to Iowa caucus voters on February 1st, that SIX posts on what a lying fuck bastard Ted Cruz is. That averages to about a post every 4 to 5 days on this subject. So, sorry, here it is again today. Why? 

Today is the South Carolina Republican Primary and Ted is still up to his same old lying fuck bastard tricks as you will see as we proceed through today's edition of...

Without further delay, let's move forward with today's analysis. We've got a lot of ground to cover as we touch base on topics like relations with Cuba, support for firefighters and particularly first responders from 9/11, the continuing kerfuffle over the Supreme Court vacancy, gay marriage and dirty political tricks. 

A few years ago, President Obama made the historic announcement that he would normalize relations with Cuba. Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) took exception to this plan of action, calling the communist country “a leading state sponsor of terrorism.” 

Yes, it’s true that Cuba — along with Iran, Syria and Sudan — is listed by the State Department as one of four State Sponsors of Terrorism.” But the department’s annual Country Report on Terrorism provided little evidence of Cuba sponsoring terrorism, especially compared with the extensive portfolio of the others on that list.

In fact, the State Department report said: “There was no indication that the Cuban government provided weapons or paramilitary training to terrorist groups.” It did note that Cuba has historic “ties” to two regional terrorist groups: Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) in Spain and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). But Cuba’s ties with the ETA “have become more distant,” and it has supported and hosted peace talks between FARC and the government of Colombia, the report said.

Maybe back in the day when Cuba was benefiting from the largess of the USSR, it could afford to be more involved in other national affairs. But today's Cuba does not possess those same resources. 

For more on this story, click here.  

With the recent announcement of President Obama's plan to visit Cuba, look for Ted to revisit this material. He is consistent. 

Firefighters and 9/11 First Responders
During Ted Cruz's victory speech after his win in the Iowa caucus,  Cruz invoked the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the work of the first responders. "To the police officers, and the firemen and the first responders, the heroes who rushed in to burning buildings instead of out of burning buildings -- the last seven years of having a president, having an attorney general that demonizes you, that vilifies you, that sides with the criminals and looters instead of the brave men and women of law enforcement -- that will end on Jan. 20, 2017."

This particularly irked Harold Schaitberger, president of the International Association of Fire Fighters. "He said he embraces fire fighters and the dangerous work they do, says he’s our friend and calls himself a great patriot. But when it came time to actually have the backs of fire fighters across the U.S., he was AWOL." What Schaitberger refers to is Cruz's opposition to reauthorizing the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, which provides health care for those same firefighters and first responders. More than 72,000 people are monitored by the 9/11 health program, and 33,000 ailing responders rely on it for treatment.

Schaitberger added, "Cruz is the worst kind of politician who will say or do anything to get elected."  

For more on this story, click here.  

Supreme Court Vacancy
Sen. Ted Cruz has had some help from fellow GOP Presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio on the subject of distorting the history of Supreme Court appointments in arguing that President Obama should not be allowed to fill the vacancy left by the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin ScaliaThey say there’s “a long tradition” and historical “precedent” for presidents not to fill a Supreme Court vacancy in their last year in office or during an election year. 

But there are no rules, laws, regulations, formal guidelines or suggestions written on the back of a cocktail napkin to support that this is an actual thing. The "precedent" of not having Supreme Court nominations owes more to a lack of opportunity. In fact, in the rare cases where a vacancy on the Supreme Court needed to be filled in an election year, the sitting President put forth a nominee, the Senate reviewed said nominee and, except for 1968, confirmed the nominee as appointed to the Supreme Court. 

What makes Cruz's part of this particularly egregious is the fact that Cruz served as a clerk in the Supreme Court and should really understand how these things work.  

For more on this story, click here

Gay Marriage
While Cruz and Rubio are in lock step on the appointment issue, don't think Cruz isn't above or beneath throwing some lies Rubio's way.  

Sen. Ted Cruz said Sen. Marco Rubio believes that the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage “is the settled law of the land and we must … surrender and move on." 

On the day of the court ruling, Rubio said he disagreed with it and argued that the U.S. Constitution gives states – not the federal government or courts – the power to define marriage. He said the next president should “nominate judges and justices committed to applying the Constitution as written.” In December, Rubio said the decision is not “settled law” and can be overturned, promising to “appoint Supreme Court justices that will interpret the Constitution as originally constructed.”

For more on this story, click here.  

And Cruz ain't done with Rubio yet.  

More Rubio Under the Bus
From the Cruz camp is an image of Marco Rubio shaking hands with President Obama in front of the Capitol in Washington. On the right side, these words are etched into the picture: “The Rubio-Obama Trade Pact.” It is a reference to a Senate vote Mr. Rubio cast in favor of granting Mr. Obama the authority to negotiate a global trade agreement. As it happens, Mr. Cruz voted for the same legislation, but later reversed course when it came up for a second vote.

1) The photo is fake. (Very badly faked, actually.) The Rubio campaign even says that Rubio's head is attached to someone else's body. 
2) The global trade agreement was actually something that most Republicans were in favor of voting for as opposed to most Democrats. Yes, it was something that Obama was getting more grief from his own party than the GOP.  
3) It was not some specific joint effort between Sen. Rubio and the White House. Rubio was just one of many Republicans who voted in favor of the trade agreement. 

For more on this story, click here.  

Whew! C'mon, Ted. Having to post all these lies and deceptions is exhausting. But I gotta make sure the word stays out there that....


Thank you for coming by the blog today Remember to be good to one another and I'll be back with another post tomorrow. 

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