Friday, February 21, 2020

Elizabeth Warren's Fire and Fury

Going back to last summer, my assessment of the Democratic field of candidates for President was that of all of them, Sen. Elizabeth Warren was the strongest one of the bunch and the sooner we winnowed the field down and set this attack dog professor on the big orange dufus, Donald Trump, the better.


Over the intervening months, Warren has lost a lot of momentum. Quite frankly, the more she tried to thread the needle of appealing to the left wing progressives without scaring off the moderates, the less enticing she became as a candidate.  Caught in the policy weeds of defending Medicare For All without frightening everyone scared of Medicare For All left her with what one political analyst referred to as a “milquetoast unifier persona”.  The fiery warrior that engage her supporters in the beginning was trying to hard not to offend everyone with appealed to no one and left her in the dust in Iowa and New Hampshire.  


On Wednesday night, the fiery warrior was back as Sen. Warren came out swinging at the debate and reminded everyone while the hell she’s in this thing in the first place.

Elizabeth Warren's fire and fury were on display as she kicked butt, took names and chewed gum but she's out of gum so more butt kicking and name taking!


With Mike Bloomberg standing right there on the stage next to her, Warren tore into him for past sexist remarks and nondisclosure agreements with women while lumping Bloomberg in with Trump, saying replacing Trump with Bloomberg was just changing out “one arrogant billionaire for another."


Joe Biden and Amy Klobuchar took their turns in Warren’s crosshairs, chastising them for believing they can work with Mitch McConnell when he has no intention of working with them.


And Pete Buttigieg was the target of Warren’s fire as well. “Mayor Pete has been taking money from big donors and changing his positions. So it makes it unclear what he stands for,” Opoh, Liz! Wicked burn! 


Besides going after her Democratic competitors and Donald Trump, Elizabeth Warren leaned heavily into what she wants to close the racial income gap, enact her 2-cent wealth tax on assets above $50 million and deliver environmental justice.

This is where Warren excels, talking about issues at the level of voters at their dinner tables and what matters to them.


With this fierceness of strength and renewed purpose, Sen. Warren displayed a tenacity of spirit and passion. As a lot of people noted on Twitter, seeing this fierce and powerful performance on the debate stage, imagine what she would do to Donald Trump!


I for one would love to see that.


It really doesn’t matter who the Democratic nominee is; Trump will try to bully them.


I would like to see what would happen if he tries to pull that shit on Elizabeth Warren.  

Trump thinks he knows something about fire and fury. Up against Warren, he doesn't have a clue. 


I’m no all in on Elizabeth Warren. She, like all the other candidate, has her flaws that Trump will seek to exploit. But of this group, she is the one that I think would give Trump the toughest fight going in to November.

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