Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tuesday TV Touchbase: Star Trek Picard, Brooklyn Nine Nine and more!

Hi there! It’s time for the Tuesday TV Touchbase where on Tuesdays, I touch base on stuff I’m watching on TV.


In case the topic is not clear.


Star Trek: Picard 

Well, we’re up to episode 3 and Jean-Luc Picard finally is standing on the bridge of a space ship that’s about to go somewhere and Picard gives the order to “engage”.


It certainly took a long time to get here.


To be fair, there’s been so much to unpack with what’s been going on in Picard’s life and the current status quo of Starfleet and the Federation not to mention whatever shenanigans are going on with the Romulans and that Borg cube.


Still, I can’t help but wish we could’ve gotten to the point of Picard actually heading off on his mission a bit sooner, say in hour two.


The rag tag crew Picard has assembled has potential. Rios, the ship’s captain with his holographic support team who all look like him but speak with different accents and argues with Rios. Raffi, Picard’s former first officer during the Romulan rescue mission, is bitter with Picard on so many levels, a bitterness that seems that Picard has legitimately earned. And Agnes, the Daystrom techie whose expertise with androids may be vital but her lack of experience with anything outside of a lab puts her in way over her head. 


Now that Jean-Luc Picard is at last out among the stars, maybe Star Trek: Picard can pick up the pace a bit.


Caroline In the City

OK, why is a mid-1990’s era sitcom in this post?


When I signed up for CBS All Access to watch Star Trek: Picard, I wondered what else could I get out of this streaming service? While bopping around the menu, I stumbled across Caroline In the City, about a cartoonist named Caroline who draws a daily comic strip about a character named Caroline.   


Back in the 1990s, I was a fan of this show. One, it was genuinely funny. Two, it featured Lea Thompson who I was major league in LOVE with. So I’ve been popping in to catch some episodes and found I still laugh at this show and damned, Lea Thompson is as sexy-cute as I remembered.


Don’t tell Andrea. She barely tolerates my barely restrained attraction to Tina Fey. Lea Thompson will remain our secret.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine

The new season premiered last week with a pair of episodes that left me feeling a bit underwhelmed.

I’m not sure if I could put my finger on it but it did seem that the first episodes played into the most overused tropes of the Nine-Nine.  Jakes off on wild tangents, frantically doing things his way while making things worse. Terry is emotionally insecure. Holt is determined that Madeline Munch is plotting against him.

Once more, Holt is not the captain of the Nine-Nine and somebody else is coming in. Yes, we have been here before many times over the past six seasons.  But there are some twists on this old theme. Usually when Holt is out as Captain, whoever comes in to replace him is a reprehensible human being. In this case, Captain Kim is really as nice and professional as she appears to be. Jake and Holt’s outsized paranoia to prove otherwise drives her to seek re-assignment.

The reason is Holt is out as Captain is because Munch busted him down to beat cop on a technicality. It looks like the producers may intend to keep Holt walking a beat for the duration of this season. So a return to the status quo with Raymond Holt as Captain may not be forthcoming any time soon. 

I hope we get more screen time with Holt’s patrol partner Debbie, winningly portrayed by Vanessa Bayer. Her favorite thing to do as a cop? Picking up traffic cones after a street is unblocked. 

Young Sheldon
While looking into Sheldon Cooper’s past as a child, the show recently gave us a glimpse of the future after the Big Bang Theory finale. In a recent episode, young Sheldon is trying to be empathetic to a young female friend who is in an emotional tailspin. Sheldon offers this friend a warm beverage.

While young Sheldon goes off to make tea, adult Sheldon as the narrator expounds this is where he learned the habit of offering a warm  beverage when someone was in trouble and that it usually worked. “Except for the time when my wife was in labor and she told me to throw it in my own face.” 

So sometime after the end of BBT, Sheldon and Amy went off and procreated.

The Crown
Nope, still haven’t finished it. 

Star Wars: The Mandolorian

OK, that’s that for today’s post. Next week, I’ll catch us up on Supergirl, Batwoman and Stumptown.

Until next time, remember to be good to one another and keep the noise down: I’m trying to watch TV. 

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