Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Is The Nightmare Just Beginning?

Yesterday was the New Hampshire primary where the Democrats are scrambling to get behind somebody, anybody, just ONE body who can and will defeat Donald Trump this November. 

Unlike the debacle of the Iowa caucus, the powers that be delivered unto us news of a winner: Bernie Sanders.

Is it just me but does it feel like the nightmare is just beginning?

I mean, nothing against Bernie Sanders. I'll take Bernie Sanders any day over Donald Trump. 

Hell, I would take a dead tree stump over Donald Trump.

But I am still worried.  

Look, when it comes to intelligence, ethics, empathy and even basic hygiene (for Christ’s sake, Donald Trump has no clue about how to apply his skin bronzer), any given candidate running for President right now is infinitely preferable to the stupid moronic fuck currently occupying the White House.  

But being preferable is one thing. The big question that grips us tight with running hot and cold terror is any given candidate running for President right now is actually capable of  defeating the stupid moronic fuck currently occupying the White House? 

Look, if you think the white evangelical base is sucking so tightly in to Li’l Donnie’s tiny, tiny dick now, wait until very much gay Pete Buttigieg heads up a Democratic ticket in November.  Whatever legitimate shortcomings Pete Buttigieg might have due to his limited experience and his young age won’t mean shit against Trump’s base. If every MAGA hat wearing mouth breather rose up in 2016 to keep a woman out of the White House, there is no way in hell they’re going to let a gay guy in there.  

If you think Trump’s base was riled up before, put self-avowed socialist Bernie Sanders on top of the ticket. Trump and his cronies are already trying to put the label of communist around Bernie’s neck and with help from Fox News, that label will stick. 

Maybe Elizabeth Warren might have better luck? Look, Trump will pull out the Hillary Clinton playbook and Sharpie in Elizabeth wherever it says Hillary.  

Amy Klobuchar? A reasonable woman and a pernicious fighter she may be. Trump won’t care. His Sharpie will write in Amy as well in the Hillary Clinton playbook. Will it matter if the points between the two don’t line up? To Trump’s MAGA hat wearing mouth breathing white evangelical base, it won’t matter. It will be enough that she’s a woman and that will be all they need to hear. 

Joe Biden? Joe Biden is not saving anyone. Look, in his most befuddled state, I still trust Biden more than Trump with the Presidency. But if Biden’s candidacy actually survives to November, in what shape will Joe himself be in to deliver a win? And have no doubt that Trump will still be hammering away at the alleged Biden-Ukraine connection. 

I firmly believe that Donald Trump is a danger to our democracy. 

And I am afraid that no one can stop him. 

There are a lot of good people who would be a better President by a wide margin. 

But will it matter? 

Is the nightmare just beginning? 

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