Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Pineapple Pizza Perplexity

Saturday, Andrea put in a request for pizza.

We don't eat pizza as often since Randie went off to college. But Andrea had a (what we call down south) "hankering" for pineapple and ham pizza. 

We were staying in because Andrea wanted to watch the North Carolina Tarheels basketball game that night.

The Tarheels have been on a bad stretch of late but actually scored a couple of wins that seem to put the team on a better path. 

While Andrea was watching her ball game, I was on my computer seeing what's up on Twitter. 

At the very moment I had a slice of Hawiian pizza in my hand, one of my followers posted this.  

So I decided to comment on that tweet. 

Now I'm not sure why but that innocuous tweet about what I was eating proved to be perplexingly popular. 

12 people liked that I was eating Hawiian pizza at that moment.

Somebody thought it was worthy of being as retweet.  

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