Thursday, February 20, 2020

There's Snow Business Like Snow Business

In the environs of the Fortress of Ineptitude here in the middle of the heart of North Carolina, we're supposed to be getting snow today. 

The prediction is we might get 2 to 4 inches of snow which over the course of the next 24 hours. 

Which means people here in the middle of the heart of North Carolina are losing their damn minds. 

The arrival of snow flurries instigates a flurry of activity in area grocery stores to buy bread and milk.  

Wednesday evening, Andrea and I were coming home from work when we realized we were going to have to be those kind of people. We were out of milk at home and would need to go to the grocery store. 

We got to the store and the milk supply was already taking a hit. Almost all the 2% milk was gone. Lots of skim milk left which is always the last to go when snow is coming.  

No, cashier person, we're not getting ready for the snow. We're out of milk. If snow was not coming, we would still be here buying milk. 

As I write this, the first flake has not fallen. For all I know, when this is all over, we might see a mere dusting of snow or a frantically trying to see some snow: "Oooh! Look! I think that was a snow flake!" 

Or we may be in the middle of a snow-pacolypse.  

Here in the middle of the heart of North Carolina, when the weather forecasters says 2 to 4 inches, it could go either way. 

Or we may be surprised and see actual snow accumulation between 2 to 4 inches.  Weirder things have happened.   

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