Saturday, February 15, 2020

Songs For Saturday: Peter Gabriel, Sting and U2!

Hi there! Dave-El here with a song and a possible blockage in my heart! Today is another installment of Songs For Saturday wherein I share songs that I like. 

Today, love songs! 

I am not a guy prone to romantic ponderings. But there are songs about love that I like and I'm going to share them today. 

So put on your headphones.

Settle back and get comfortable. 

Time to feel the music.

And the love. 

First up in Peter Gabriel with "In Your Eyes". 

This song became famous in the film Say Anything when  John Cusack holds a boombox above his head outside Ione Skye's bedroom window to let her know that he hasn't given up on her.

In Your Eyes is from the album So which is one of those albums that does not have a bad track on it. 

For today's Songs For Saturday, this version of "In Your Eyes" might test your endurance a bit. Yes, it's 10 minutes long but trust me, it is an epic arrangement of this song and very much worth your time.  

Settle in and give it a listen.

Seriously, that performance always sends a shiver up my spine. 

Oh, the woman on back up vocals in Paula Cole who had a big solo hit several years back with "Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?" 

Next up: Sting! 

What we have here is Sting performing a love song by composer named John Dowland.   

John Dowland (1563 – 1626) was an English Renaissance composer, known for his melancholy songs such as "Come, heavy sleep", "Come again", "Flow my tears", "I saw my Lady weepe" and "In darkness let me dwell".

Here is Sting with "Come Again".   

This lyric makes me giggle: "Her smiles, my springs, that makes my joys to grow". 

Is he singing about getting an erection? Oh, John Dowland, you naughty, naughty English Renaissance composer, you.  

We're going to finish off with a performance by U2 on the Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon. Bono and the boys are joined by Questlove and the Roots for "Ordinary Love". 

OK, that's enough love songs for one day, 

Until next time, remember to be good to one another and to keep the music alive.  

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