Friday, February 7, 2020

Enter... the Rainbow!

Low intensity post for today! 

I mean, I could go off on a rant by Donald "Fucking Moron" Trump's "victory speech" from yesterday but nothing I could say would make me feel anything other enraged and/or depressed. 

It's been cold, rainy and grey around the ol' Fortress of Ineptitude and I need to bring a little color into my life. 

Here is some panels of an old and very obscure Golden Age comic book super hero known as... The Rainbow! 

What exactly are The Rainbow's super powers? 

He's super gay, maybe? 

Oh, here's a panel from another obscure Golden Age comic book character called the Green Mask.

He's called the Green Mask because he has...


...a green mask.

OK, that's it. I'm burned out! 

Songs For Saturday coming up tomorrow.

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