Tuesday, June 2, 2020

A Nation On Fire

Confronting a nation on fire, Donald Trump brought along gasoline.  

Donald Trump used a Bible and a church as props for a photo op in a bid to ratchet up tension and fear in a nation already ravaged by tension and fear.

Li'l Donnie posed with a Bible in his hand in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church. To get to this photo op, a peaceful group of protesters against police brutality at the church were dispersed with policy brutality in the form of tear gas and rubber bullets.  

Trump vogued with the Bible, striking various poses with the book while standing alongside members of his administration. 

“Greatest country in the world. And we’re going to keep it safe,” Trump declared, waving his prop Bible.  

Keeping it safe? From whom? 

Before the church photo op (which the leadership of St. John’s Episcopal Church had no fore knowledge and did not approve of), Trump spoke in the White House Rose Garden, promising to would mobilize “all available federal resources, civilian and military, to stop the rioting and looting, to end the destruction and arson, and to protect the rights of law-abiding Americans, including your Second Amendment rights.”

"Including your Second Amendment rights"? What the hell? Where did that come from?

Yes, there is bad shit going down during these protests with looting, vandalism and arson. Yes, we need to get a handle on that. 

But that is only one part of the problem. But it's the only part Trump wants to focus on because he wants to look tough.  

And if the looting, vandalism and arson stuff ain't happening, don't let that get in the way of a good crackdown. 

While Li'l Donnie was chatting in the Rose Garden, protesters gathered outside the White House (who were NOT rioting and looting) were dispersed with tear gas and flash-bang grenades before Trump's address began.

No statement towards the grievances that have sparked the protests.  There was no call for national unity.

Why would one expect such a statement from Donald Trump? Everything he did and said was a pitch to his base. If you didn't vote for Donald Trump, Trump doesn't give a fuck about you.  The only unity that this fat fuck gives a damn about is keeping his base of supporters united behind him.  

As he stands there in front a church he doesn't attend and waving a Bible he hasn't read and doesn't believe in with a nation on fire, Trump's overriding purpose remains his own hold on power. 

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