Friday, June 19, 2020

What's the Point of a Win If You Can't Fuck Someone Over?

This week, the Supreme Court where conservative judges hold a 5 to 4 margin handed down two rulings that are considered a rebuke to conservatives in general and to Donald Trump specifically. 

On Monday, the justices issued a 6-3 decision that a more than half-century-old federal civil rights law forbids discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Trump appointee Neil Gorsuch wrote the majority opinion.  Meanwhile, Trump had been pushing the court to come to the opposite conclusion.  

Thursday saw a 5-4 ruling that maintains that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is still a thing and efforts by Trump to summarily overturn it did not have a legal standing.  Chief Justice John Roberts did not rule out that DACA could not  be overturned in the future. He took issue that the Trump administration tried to overturn it this time with no regard for due process or for those affected by DACA being rescinded.  

Li'l Donnie took to Twitter to petulantly protest these court rulings and wondered if the Supreme Court doesn't like him.  

Oh, poor Li'l Donnie. It's not the Supreme Court that doesn't like you. Nobody likes you.   

Both issues have in common a defining characteristic of Trump's time as President. Both issues involved Donald Trump attempting to fuck over people. 

Neither case involved Trump trying to help anyone but rather trying to hinder and hurt people.  

OK, his base of supporters look on Trump's efforts to fuck over gay people, trans gendered people and immigrants as a good thing but Trump only cares about that in as much as it keep his base happy and ready to vote for him again.  

In short, both cases are about Trump hurting other people to help himself.  

In the past, whenever any court case at the Supreme Court level or in one of the lower courts ended in favor of a so-called liberal position (rights for gays, support for a woman's right to choose to have an abortion, etc), conservative pundits would decry the heresy of "activist judges" who should be replaced with judges that adhere to the law and to the Constitution. 

The problem is that in order to get rulings that would satisfy the white under educated racist evangelicals in Trump's base would require massive contortions in interpreting the law and the Constitution to reach desired outcomes.  In other words, for  the white under educated racist evangelicals in Trump's base to get what they want, they would need "activist judges".   

Trump figured if he pushed a bunch of conservative judges pre-vetted by the Federalist Society and rubber stamped by Mitch McConnel's minions in the Senate, it would be an easy win to get what the white under educated racist evangelicals in his base want. Very little work with a lot of upside reward. The fact that people outside that base would get fucked over was just a bonus. Where is the fun in getting a win if someone doesn't get fucked over? 

Trump's favorite kind of a win. 

At least twice this week, he was denied that win. 

There may be hope for us yet.  

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