Wednesday, June 24, 2020

All Good Things: Bully Says 'Bye

Out there on the internets is a lovely little blog about comics books. 

It's called Bully Says: Comics Oughta Be Fun!  

Bully is a stuffed little bull who likes comics. 

He's 7 years old which is, as Bully will tell you, a good age to be. And a neat trick to pull off when the blog is 15 years old. 

And Bully is right: comics oughta be fun! 

Bully's blog made comics fun with witty and cogent insights into current and classic comics.  

My favorite bit in his blog was how he would add secret captions to the graphics. Just move the cursor over an image and a bonus box of text would pop up, sometimes side splitting funny comments. 

Sadly, Bully has decided to call it a day. 

And how did I take this news? I'll let the Simpsons convey my feelings on this subject.

To be honest, this move should not be a surprise as Bully has not really been posting regularly to this blog for awhile now. 

But the idea that it was still out there and Bully would find the joy or energy or time to resume posting was still there, the hope of new content for Bully Says: Comics Oughta Be Fun! still smoldering like a persistent burning ember. 

But I think I understand where Bully's head is at. 

And there is a lot of content out there on Bully Says: Comics Oughta Be Fun!  Years and years of reminding us that comics are special and weird and wonderful and dagnabbitt, they oughta be fun! 

Bully's blog is a wonderful gift of knowledge and humor about this crazy habit we have about comic books. Bully Says: Comics Oughta Be Fun!  is a brilliant legacy for comic book fans! 

Bully, you done good and you should be proud. 

Good luck and God bless. Glad we'll still you around the Twitters. 


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