Saturday, June 6, 2020

Songs For Saturday: Jonathan Coulton, Warren Zevon, Blur and David Bowie

OK, kids! Put on the Bat Head Phones! 

Crank up the jam! 

Time for Songs For Saturday! 

Just for the record, I am still unemployed. Sometimes I miss the regular routine of having a job. 

Then I listen to Jonathan Coulton's "Code Monkey" and remember it wasn't always all good.  

Warren Zevon's album "Sentimental Hygeine" is one my of all time favorite albums with every track being simply awesome.
(OK, a couple of track such as "The Factory" and "Leave My Monkey Alone" are slightly less awesome.)  

One of the most awesome of those awesome tracks is Warren's story in song about a prize fighter who won a lot of fights, got the hell beat out of him in the process and had an opponent die in the ring. Here is Warren Zevon's "Boom Boom Mancini".

Boom Boom Mancini was a real person, a prize fighter named Ray Mancini. For more on this story (as related in Warren's song, click here.  

Blur's  "Song 2" (or you might know it better as "WOO-HOO!") is a short burst of high octane energy.  Below is a live performance I stumbled across recently.    

This next track seems to be apropos for recent times with the protests against police brutality and the authoritarian crack downs in response, a lot of people are in a mind set to be a rebel. 

Here's a live set of David Bowie with "Rebel Rebel".  

That is that for today's Songs For Saturday! I hope you enjoyed today's selection of music.  
Remember to be good to one another and to always keep the music alive. 

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