Thursday, August 27, 2015

Assholes On Parade

I might still be a bit angry after yesterday's rant against gun violence (and I should be! And you too!).  In the spirit of that anger, today's post is what it says in the title: 

Assholes On Parade!
Assholes On Parade!
Assholes On Parade!
Assholes On Parade!
Assholes On Parade!

#10: Donald Trump 
Donald's a pretty big asshole to be at the bottom of the list. Oh, do not underestimate Trump's capacity for assholery.  

#9 This blonde airhead at Fox News
She tried to politicize the shooting of the two reporters in Virginia as an "Anti-White Crime". Really. 

#8 Doctor Hitler  
Leader of Nazi Germany and a total bastard when giving prostate exams.  

#7  Donald Trump 
Damn! Him again! That asshole is everywhere! 

#6  Josh Duggar 
Paragon of Christian virtue and morality. Also child molester and adulterer. His wife is so proud! 

#5  These dickheads from Alabama
The asshole on the left is wearing a Ku Klux Klan shirt. 
His boyfriend in the White Pride shirt is so proud! 

#4  This damn gopher! 
Just look at him! What an asshole!  Quit digging up my yard! 

#3  Mike Huckabee 
This asshole acts like he has a direct hotline to God. God, meanwhile, is letting those calls go to voice mail.    

#2  Ted Cruz
His go-to moves for getting what he wants is shutting down the government and holding his breath until he turns blue.

#1  Donald Trump
Yeah, he's once...twice...three times an asshole. 

OK, that's a wrap for...             Assholes On Parade!
Assholes On Parade!
Assholes On Parade!
Assholes On Parade!
Assholes On Parade!

No more damage doin' ' round here today, pardners! 

I'll be back with another post tomorrow on something fun. (Yay! Comic books!)  

Until then, be good to one another and don't let the assholes get you down.

And I'm so glad my suffering amuses you.


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