This Saturday, September 17th is Batman Day, celebrating what is arguably the most popular super hero in the world. Which is pretty neat trick for a guy with no super powers.
He can’t bend steel in his bare hands like Superman. He can’t do
whatever a spider can like Spiderman.
He doesn’t have a cool weapon like Iron
Man’s armor or Green Lantern’s power ring.
Heck, he doesn’t even have a
signature talent that he has honed to almost being a super power like Green
Arrow’s ability to fire off pointed sticks.
mutations, magic, radiation or science gone wrong for this guy. Batman is just
this guy, you know. Batman is just like you, only better. He’s no stronger than
the average human but he’s turned his body into a living weapon. His brain is no
bigger than yours but training and study lets Batman do more with his brain
than you’ll ever do with yours.
Batman is impossibly good at what he does. No one in the real world has the
combination of wealth, stamina and drive that makes Batman exceptional. Yet,
Batman can be stopped, he can be hurt. He may have pushed his limits farther
than we can ever image pressing our own but nonetheless, he still has limits.
And so as impossible as it might be for someone to be as good as Batman is in the comics and
elsewhere, there is still that little spark inside of us that says, “I could be
who is Batman? Well, the short answer is he’s Bruce Wayne who as a child watched
his parents gunned by a common criminal. Dedicating his life and his wealth to
the cause of seeking his parents killer and protecting others from criminals,
Bruce was inspired by a bat to adopt a disguise that would strike fear in the
hearts of criminals. And thus Batman and how he came to be.
the bigger question is who is Batman to you? The answer to that is more
malleable than the details of his origin. In many ways, Batman is who you think
he is.
the Caped Crusader, fighting outrageous villains and their over the top evil
the Gotham Guardian, a grim avenger of the night who preys on the lowly
criminals who terrorize Gotham City’s innocent citizens.
the Dark Knight Detective, a razor sharp mind at war with massive worldwide
criminal activity.
a father figure to a virtual family of costumed heroes who help the Batman in
his mission, his war against crime.
a member of the Justice League where no less than Superman is his best friend.
driven in his quest, focused like a laser on the evils that afflict his city
and his world.
compassionate to the lone victim of a crime, keenly aware of the pain that
can crack a human heart.
obsessed, driven and quite possibly insane.
the sanest man in the world.
is Batman to you? Maybe the Batman from the 1960s TV show is Batman to you.
Or it could be Michael Keaton from the 1989 Batman movie that catapulted Batman's popularity into the stratosphere. Or perhaps it was Christian Bale's turn as Batman in the 21st century. Maybe one of those is your Batman.

Or is the Batman from Bruce Timm’s animation team your Batman?
Or it could be Michael Keaton from the 1989 Batman movie that catapulted Batman's popularity into the stratosphere. Or perhaps it was Christian Bale's turn as Batman in the 21st century. Maybe one of those is your Batman.

Or is the Batman from Bruce Timm’s animation team your Batman?
your Batman from the comics? Even from just that one medium, there have been so
many takes on the Batman. Batman vs. gangsters! Batman vs. aliens! Batman vs. a
maniacal clown who torments Gotham with his capers OR a maniacal clown who
slaughters innocents for his amusement! (It’s the SAME clown!) Batman vs. a
woman with a thing for cats! Batman vs.
ghosts, monsters, super powered villains, costumed bad guys with weird
in a back alley! Batman on the top of city spires! Batman jetting across the
world! Batman in outer space!
all for today. I’ll be back with another post tomorrow. Until next time,
remember to be good to one another.
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