Sunday, May 20, 2018

Doctor Who: The Dalek Planet - Part One

Hi there! 

Today begins a Doctor Who fan fiction that follows up on Londowntowne, a script I posted last year.  The story introduced a plot element of the Dalek Planet, AKA the Dalek the size of a planet. I thought something that big needed some kind of follow up

My original intent was to perhaps bridge that story from the 12th Doctor to the 13th. However, I've decided to continue this with the 12th Doctor, Bill and Nardole.  

DISCLAIMER: I'm doing this for fun, not profit. This is not officially sanctioned by the BBC and the producers of Doctor Who. 


The Dalek Planet
by David Long

 Episode One

Scene opens: interior of the TARDIS, console room with the Doctor (12th), Bill Potts and Nardole.

The Doctor: Goodbye to Londontowne in space in the 26th century and…

Bill: And hello to good old regular London on Earth in the 21st Century. 

The Doctor: You sound relieved. 

Bill: Well, yeah. I mean, it’s fun and all going into the future and into space but there’s something to be said for feeling the ground of home beneath my feet.

Nardole: That’s quite poetic, Bill. 

Bill: There’s nothing like travel to make one appreciate being back home.

The Doctor: If you say so, Bill.

Bill: Oh come on, Doctor. Don’t you ever miss being back home?

The Doctor: No.

Bill: Where do you call home?

The Doctor: Here. In the TARDIS.

Bill: Home is a specific place. The TARDIS can be in any place.

The Doctor smiles.

The Doctor: Precisely! Coordinates for Earth, 21st Century are set. So let us…

Suddenly the whole TARDIS console room shakes violently as the Doctor, Bill and Nardole stagger and fall down.

Nardole: Blimey!

Bill: What the hell? Doctor!

The TARDIS interior continues to shake as the Doctor struggles to his feet and pulls himself to the console.

The Doctor: Hold on! Hold on!!

The Doctor frantically taps on the keys.

Bill tries to steady herself as she hesitantly stands up.

Bill: Doctor, what's wrong with the TARDIS? 

The Doctor: What's wrong with the TARDIS? Wrong question, Bill. 

The Doctor pushes a button with a flourish and the violent shaking stops.

Nardole: Oh good. I was starting to get a bit sea sick.

The Doctor: The TARDIS is working just fine.

Bill: So what happened?  

The Doctor:  Now that is the right question. Let's take a look outside.

The Doctor flips a switch and a monitor shows a diagram of the police box being pulled to a planet.

Bill: Is that... a tractor beam?

The Doctor: Good call, Bill. Yes, the TARDIS is caught in a tractor beam and we're being pulled towards that planet.

Nardole: That can't be good.

The Doctor looks at the data on the monitor intently. 

Nardole: And what the TARDIS is scanning on the surface takes things from not good to really scary awful.

Bill: What's down there?

The Doctor: Dalekanium. 

Nardole: Oh hell, the bloody Daleks!

The Doctor: Oh yeah, Nardole. The bloody Daleks!

SCENE CHANGE: Exterior in space as a bright beam of light pulls the TARDIS down to a spare barren patch of ground on a very dimly lit world.  Surrounding the TARDIS are shadows. From the shadows, we see a small glowing red circle.

Dalek voice: Doctor.

The red circle is joined by another and then another and another.  With each appearance of a red circle, the chorus of Dalek voices grow.

Dalek voices: Doctor. Doctor. Doctor. Doctor. Doctor. Doctor.

And as each red circle glows, the shadows recede and we see a whole army of Daleks surrounding the TARDIS. 

Then from the TARDIS, the Doctor bursts forth with a flourish and a grin.

The Doctor: HELLO, DALEKS!!!!!

Nardole and Bill are hanging back...way back and looking decidedly less confident.  The Doctor spins with his arms spread wide.

The Doctor: The hills are alive with a swarm of Daleks. A most impressive welcoming committee, I must say and I in fact, I do say that most sincerely. Such an auspicious welcome.....

The Doctor's tone shifts to a lower, more threatening tone.

The Doctor: For little ol' me: the Oncoming Storm. The Destroyer of Worlds.  

The Doctor leans in close to a Dalek and stares down it's eye stalk. Our view shifts to the Dalek's perspective, the Doctor's face leering through a fish eye lens.

The Doctor: The Doctor...will see you now.  

We pull back out as we see the tableau, the Doctor and his TARDIS with Nardole and Bill hanging back by the door surrounded by Daleks. The Dalek the Doctor was staring down actually moves back an inch. The Doctor flinches a bit as if surprised that he made a Dalek back down.

The Doctor: My patience is wearing thin. Why am I here?

Dalek 1: The Doctor...

Dalek 2: The Doctor...

Dalek 3: The Doctor is...

Dalek 4: The Doctor is...

Then silence.

The Doctor: The Doctor is...what?

The Daleks turns, swiveling their eye stalks at each other.

Bill: They really do not want to answer that?

The Doctor: Obviously. The Doctor is...what? Ruggedly handsome? A wickedly awesome guitarist?

Dalek 1: The Doctor is... required.  

Bill: The Doctor is required?

Dalek 2: Yes, the Doctor is required. 

Nardole: Required for what?

The Doctor (to Nardole): I've got this.

The Doctor (to the Daleks): Required for what?

Dalek 3: We will explain.

A ray of light shoots out from one of the Daleks, ending in a holographic image in front of the Doctor. 

Nardole: It's a image from outer space.

The Doctor: You're ever dependable with the obvious, Nardole.

Bill: Something's coming into view.  A space ship?

Nardole: No, it's a planet, I think. Kind of... funny looking.

Bill: It like it's shaped like.... that can't be right?

Nardole: No, it can't be but.....

The Doctor: But it is.  A Dalek... the size of a planet?

Dalek 1: Witness the Dalek Planet.

Nardole: Whoa! A Dalek the size of a planet? A bit much, innit?  

The Doctor: Classic overcompensating.   

Bill: Most blokes just buy a big truck or a sports car.  

Dalek 2: The Dalek Planet is the culmination of the work of the creator.  

Dalek 3: All hail Davros!

Daleks (collectively): All hail Davros!

Nardole: What a fan club! 

The Doctor: Look, you said I was required. 

Dalek 1: The Doctor is required.  

The Doctor: Required for what? To grovel before your ludicrous excess of power and evil? To genuflect before the genius of Davros?  

Dalek 1: The Doctor is required to destroy the Dalek Planet.  

The Doctor: What? 

Nardole: He said, "the Doctor is required to destroy the Dalek Planet." 

Bill: I think he heard that, Nardole. 

The Doctor: I just don't believe it. You want me to help you....

Dalek 1: The Doctor is required to destroy the Dalek Planet.

The Doctor: To help you destroy this Dalek Planet. 

Dalek 2: The Doctor is required to destroy the Dalek Planet.

The Doctor: So you keep saying!  

Bill: Not "help". They want you to do the dirty work without them

The Doctor: Very perceptive, Miss Potts.  Not help but...

Dalek 3: The Doctor is required to destroy the Dalek Planet.

Dalek 4: The Doctor is required to destroy the Dalek Planet.

All the Daleks: The Doctor is required to destroy the Dalek Planet! 

Nardole: What coordination. They should form a boy band.   

The Doctor: You say I am "required". But what if I disagree? What if I refuse?  

Dalek 1: We can… destroy your companions. 

Dalek 2: Yes, exterminate them.

Dalek 3: Exterminate.

Daleks (collectively): Exterminate! Exterminate!  Exterminate!

The Doctor: Whoa! Whoa! And I mean, whoa!  You pluck me down here and ask me… ME! To help you with this so-called “Dalek Planet” and you think the best way to do that is to threaten my friends? I don’t think so, Scooter!

Bill: “Scooter?”

The Doctor: Not now, Bill.  I’ve had it up to here with you lot! We’re outta here!

Nardole: Doctor did you notice…?

The Doctor: That you’re annoying me, Nardole?

Nardole: No, the Dalek said “we CAN destroy”…

The Doctor: Huh?

Nardole: Not “we will destroy”.

The Doctor: It doesn’t matter and I don’t care.

But the Doctor stops short of entering the TARDIS.

The Doctor (muttering): “Can”, not “will”. 

The Doctor turns around to face the Daleks.

The Doctor: Are you…. Defective?

Dalek 1: We are NOT defective.

Dalek 2: But the Doctor is required.

Dalek 3: To eliminate the Dalek Planet.

The Doctor stares at the Daleks.

The Doctor: Hmph! The answer is still no! As far as I’m concerned, this “Dalek Planet” <the Doctor does air quotes> is your problem, not mine. Bill, Nardole, we are leaving.

As the Doctor turns back towards the TARDIS, the Daleks swivel their eyestalks at each other.

Dalek 1: Doctor!

The Doctor (exasperated): Oh what now?

Dalek 1: We are… prepared…

The Doctor shrugs.

The Doctor: Prepared? Prepared to do…. What?

Dalek 1: We are… prepared… to negotiate. 

The Doctor: What?! 

Dalek 2: Negotiate!

Dalek 3: Negotiate!

Daleks (collectively): Negotiate! Negotiate! Negotiate!

Bill: Negotiate?

Nardole: OK, I did not see that coming.

The Doctor: Neither did I, Nardole. Neither did I.


To Be Continued. 

Episode two next Sunday of The Dalek Planet.  

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