Thursday, May 10, 2018

Separating Fact and Opinion

On Sunday, May 6, Rudy Giuliani attempted to explain himself to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos.  


GIULIANI: Those are the facts that we’re still working on. And that—you know, may be in a little bit of dispute. This is more rumor than it is anything else. But…

STEPHANOPOULOS: But that’s what you said. You said that to BuzzFeed.

GIULIANI:  But here’s the—but here’s the—well, yes, I mean that—that’s one of the possibilities and one of the rumors. The reality is…

STEPHANOPOULOS:You stated it as fact.

GIULIANI:  Well, maybe I did. But I—right now, I’m at the point where I’m learning, and I can only—I can’t prove that. I can just say it’s rumor. I can prove it’s rumor, but I can’t prove it’s fact. Yet. Maybe we will.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But—but you’ve said as—it—you’ve said as a matter of fact on Hannity and BuzzFeed, you talked to the Washington Post about it.

GIULIANI:  I don’t know—I don’t know how you separate fact and opinion.

Sometimes one of these morons speaking for the Moron In Chief stumbles across something profound.
Let's read it again. 
GIULIANI:  I don’t know—I don’t know how you separate fact and opinion.

Well, that pretty much sums up the state of Li'l Donnie Trump and his enablers, doesn't it?  Not knowing how to separate fact and opinion.
The problem for Trump and those caught in his soul sucking orbit is that opinion becomes conflated with fact. Opinion becomes fact.
Take Trump's violation of the Iran nuclear deal. Trump's of the opinion that Iran is fucking around on the deal. Many reports and analysis confirm that Iran was in compliance with the deal. But those reports do not support Li'l Donnie's world view. His world view is his opinion that Iran is cheating on the deal. So Trump acts on that opinion with the weight of fact and announces he's quitting the Iran nuclear deal.  
Trump's whole routine is treating opinion as fact.
  • Claiming Obama was not born in America.
  • Denying climate change.
  • His animosity against the Affordable Care Act. 
  • His opposition to immigration (illegal and legal)
  • His views on crime.
  • His views on terrorism.
His every position is based on not on numbers, research or even reality itself but some warped view of the world. Opinion is fact. 
So Rudy, if you don’t know how you separate fact and opinion, that's OK. Separating fact and opinion is not a big deal for your boss.  


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