Sunday, May 13, 2018
Whatever Happened To Doctor Who?
So whatever happened to Doctor Who?
More to the point, whatever happened to Doctor Who on this blog?
It's right up there in the masthead for I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You:
Trapped in a world he is not designed to cope with, Dave-El (the true Kryptonian name of alleged Earth creature David Long) writes about comics, Doctor Who, politics and whatever damned thing pops into his unbalanced mind.
Doctor Who is the only thing in this blog's mission statement that is checked off by name.
From 2013 to 2017, Doctor Who has had a near ubiquitous presence on this blog with at least one Whovian themed blog a week or even two.
Today is the 13th of May and this is the first Doctor Who themed post this month and is the first Doctor Who post since April 7th.
The first Doctor Who post for 2018 was not made until February 18th. Yes, the entire month of January went by without a Doctor Who post.
What's up with that?
Whatever happened to Doctor Who on I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You?
Let me state that I'm still psyched about Doctor Who. I will still declare above all that it remains my favoritest TV show ever.
But the current dearth of Doctor Who news is not helping. The new regime under Chris Chibnall is running an absurdly tight ship with no leaks, rumors or nothing. Any posts speculating on the future of Doctor Who is the height of folly with absolutely zero to base any speculating on.
I am very excited by what Jodie Whitaker, the first female actor cast as the Doctor is going to do. But so far, we have zero in the way of even guessing what that might be like.
The cone of silence around Doctor Who's future is so complete, it's almost like the future doesn't exist.
In the absence of things present or things to come, I have in years gone by pontificated on things past. Or even gone sideways to write about things that never were with my own Doctor Who stories.
I have ideas for stories. I have one more 12th Doctor story to tell where we meet the Dalek Planet again for the first time. The last encounter, the Dalek Planet was stopped by the Doctor Who Never Was. But that big old planet sized threat is still out there.
I have an idea for the 11th Doctor trading places with Prince Phillip, inspired by Matt Smith playing both roles on television.
I have a plan based on a real life historical event to bring the 10th Doctor and Donna to North Carolina.
The key is having time and will to write these stories into existence.
To be honest, I'm still having trouble writing. The struggles I had in the past (which led me to shut this blog down in September last year) are still a factor. That's why so many posts are reports on whatever dumbass thing Li'l Donnie Trump did in the last 5 minutes.
But Doctor Who was the source of most of my joy o writing this blog. I hope I can find that again and perhaps turn those ideas into stories.
Looking to the future a bit, Free Comic Book Day for 2018 did give us a sneak peek at the 13th Doctor in comic book form.
Looks good!
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