Tuesday, September 18, 2018

A Post Florence Check In

A quick check in!


Things are OK around the Fortress of Ineptitude in the wake of Florence but lots of other locales in North Carolina have taken a big hit and are still bailing out from tons of floodwater. Wilmington NC was essentially cut off much like Gotham City in the Dark Knight Rises.


Down where my parents used to live, there was extensive flooding and with family members forced to seek higher ground. They are back home now but a lot of people are not. It’s important to remember that once a hurricane has passed, the biggest struggles come from what is left behind with rivers cresting, streets being washed away and homes overwhelmed by surrounding flood waters. 


My daughter is back at school today. Our local school system closed Friday in anticipation of the big storm but yeah, they probably could’ve pulled it off. Monday, we still had a lot of roads that were flooded out so school was a no go then. As of Tuesday, roads were clear and school was back on.


Saw this a few times on the news: people driving into flood waters even where the police had put up barricades. There were idiots driving around barricades and oops! They got stuck! It’s one thing to drive into deep water because you didn’t see it. It’s happened to me. But when there are brightly colored barricades with reflectors and lights and someone drives around them into a flood? Well, that’s own your dumb ass.


Right now, I’m dealing with a cold/sinus thing that sapping me of energy. It’s not enough to take me out of commission but it’s bad enough to make it hard to not give a damn and just go back to bed. Which is what happened Monday at about mid-day when I gave up, drove home to the Fortress of Ineptitude, clambered into bed and slept for a few hours. To be blunt, I would like to be back there right now but I’m trying not to be a total wuss about everything and get some work done.


And whatever my concerns, they pale in comparison to the struggles faced by others in the wake of Florence. 


That’s all for now. Remember to be good to one another.  

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