Saturday, September 22, 2018

Doctor Who: Oh TARDIS, Wherefore Art Thou, Oh TARDIS?

Whoa! Another Doctor Who post? That’s three in a row! Isn’t that too many Doctor Who posts? 

NO! Here at I’m So Glad My Suffering Amuses You Amalgamated Blog Development LLC, there is no such thing as too many Doctor Who posts!

I’m really working hard to avoid political posts. God, I get so tired tracking Trump’s endless stupidity. But alas, a political post is forthcoming, today or tomorrow. It’s kind of long and as most things Trumpian are, kind of depressing. I’ll see if I can edit in some funny stuff.

And there is a blog post coming up on the topic that is on everybody’s mind these days: Batman’s penis!

But for now, more Doctor Who. And our topic is: the TARDIS.

There is some considerable anxiety on the part of some stressed Whovian souls that the TARDIS may be missing in action for Doctor Who Series 11.

Whence forth comes such trepidations? 

Exhibit A: At the end of Twice Upon A Time, the TARDIS goes KA-FLOOEY and KA-BOOM, vanishes from the view of the horrified eyes of the Doctor as she plummets to Earth.

Exhibit B: There is NO sign of the TARDIS in the World Cup teaser, the Comic-Con trailer or  the trailer that was released this week?

Could the Doctor be without the TARDIS in Series 11? 

There is precedent for this when the 3rd Doctor did not have the TARDIS for awhile back in the day.

Actually, not true. The Doctor did have the TARDIS. But as part of his exile to Earth by the Time Lords, the Doctor’s knowledge of how to drive the thing was removed. The TARDIS was there; the blue police box sat in a corner of his lab at UNIT. 

I think the TARDIS will appear. 
  1. Chris Chibnall said each episode is a standalone story and there is no season long arc. The Doctor wandering around looking for her missing TARDIS would be an arc. 
  2. Chris Chibnall also said this new series will be a great stepping on point for both lapsed fans and new fans. Which means the basic foundations of what makes Doctor Who actually Doctor Who need to be in place. Which means having the Doctor, someone to travel with and something to travel in, the TARDIS. If Chibnall has the Doctor travelling in a borrowed old space ship or using a vortex manipulator instead of the iconic blue police box, I don’t see how the series would truly be a stepping on point for new or lapsed fans if a crucial piece of the Doctor Who picture is missing. 
  3. And we know from the trailers that the Doctor is travelling in space and time. So this is not a 3rd Doctor exile situation. 
From a storytelling perspective, keeping the TARDIS out of sight in the trailers makes sense.  Remember: At the end of Twice Upon A Time, the TARDIS goes KA-FLOOEY and KA-BOOM, vanishes from the view of the horrified eyes of the Doctor as she plummets to Earth.

The Doctor has NO idea what has happened to the TARDIS. And if Chibnall is serious about preserving some mysteries for the show itself, we should follow along with the Doctor to solve the mystery of the missing TARDIS.

The Doctor: Oh dear! The TARDIS has vanished. Possibly….. forever!

Viewer at home: Don’t sweat it! I saw it in the trailers. You’ll have it back by next week’s episode.

Nope, the Doctor doesn’t know and neither do we. And Chibnall doesn’t want us to find out until the Doctor does.

The Doctor: A-ha! I’ve found the TARDIS! 

Viewer at home: I did not see that coming. The TARDIS was in New Jersey?!

OK, so the TARDIS is missing from the trailers but it has been spotted.

Check out the promotional art that was released earlier in the week. 

And dedicated fans snapped some pics on the street where the Doctor Who crew was doing some location shooting earlier this year. 

So I think we’ll have the TARDIS back when series 11 debuts in two weeks on October 7th.  

Coming up next time on I’m So Glad My Suffering Amuses You...

Political discourse on Trumpian dysfunction?


Batman's penis? 


OK, fine....

Coming up next time on I’m So Glad My Suffering Amuses You...

Batman's penis! 

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