Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Uh Oh, Donnie! The World Is Laughing At Us!

Donald Trump has long had an obsession with being “laughed at”.  During his campaign for President, he would frequently deride U.S. involvements in various agreements, deals and what not and add that other parties involved were “laughing at us”.

The U.S. signs on to the Paris climate accords? “The rest of the world is laughing at us.”

The U.S. agrees to the Iran nuclear deal? “The rest of the world is laughing at us.”

The U.S. enters into North American Free Trade Agreement? “The rest of the world is laughing at us.” 

The U.S. continues its support of NATO? “The rest of the world is laughing at us.”

In all of these scenarios and more, Trump portrays the United States and its leadership as being played for suckers with the rest of the world incredulous at how stupid we are.

Well, on Tuesday, he was right: “The rest of the world is laughing at us.”

Li’l Donnie put on his big boy pants to address the United Nations General Assembly. He kicked off the speech on his favorite subject: himself.  

“In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country ... So true.” 

It was a declaration greeted with laughter from the assembled world leaders.

Trump remarked that he “didn’t expect that reaction” which got an even bigger laugh. 

It looks like maybe Donald Trump is right about something for once: “The rest of the world is laughing at us.”

But to be more accurate, Donnie, it would be more to the point to say, ““The rest of the world is laughing at YOU.” 

That may hurt Li’l Donnie’s feelings a bit but I’m not going to feel sorry for him. He’s a fucking moron and he brought this on himself.

You see, back when Donald Trump was young and brash and actually somewhat successful, Trump craved more than just wealth and power. He craved respect from others who had wealth and power. In the high society of Manhattan’s elite, Trump was regarded as crude and unsophisticated, lacking the wit and refinement to be truly one of them.  Trump had the wealth to buy his way into the rarefied air of the upper echelons of society’s rich and powerful but he couldn’t earn his place among them.

To be blunt, the rich and the powerful of high society laughed at Trump. 

So Trump slapped his name in big shiny letters on the sides of oversized buildings and he laughed at the rich and the powerful of high society. Fuck them, they’re just a bunch of suckers.

And that’s how Trump sees the world. Somebody’s getting screwed by somebody else who’s getting a big laugh out of it.  

One more thing to unpack from Trump’s UN appearance, his retort that “didn’t expect that reaction”. 


The thing is, Trump believes the delusions of his own grandeur and success as President. No one ever tells him different.  The idea that the rest of the world does not share that view is anathema to his self-absorbed perspective.  His claims to being the most successful President in American history being met with derisive laughter?  No, I imagine he did not expect that reaction.

Now, that is really funny. 


Let’s talk about clowns a moment.

Last week, Trump called Gavin Newsom, the current California lieutenant governor and Democratic gubernatorial candidate, a clown.

“Democrats want to give welfare and free health care to illegal aliens. How about this clown in California who’s running for governor? He wants open borders and then he wants to give them health care, education, everything.”

A clown, eh? Well, Newsom fired back on Twitter.  

lol, hi @realDonaldTrump. Interesting description coming from the guy who is literally locking up kids like Pennywise. — Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) September 21, 2018

One person took issue with Gavin Newsom comparing Donald Trump to Pennywise the clown from Stephen King’s “It”.   

That is a very unfair comparison. One is a primordial evil that exists only to spread fear and misery. The other is just a clown who eats a few kids every few decades.

— The Booze Cube (💀💧🌳) (@TheBoozeCube) September 21, 2018


Man, I really cannot believe this!

The text below is from Huff Post.  

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Wednesday claimed President Donald Trump’s speech at the United Nations General Assembly a day earlier drew laughs because world leaders “loved his honesty” and “respect” him.

Trump’s boastful comment describing his administration as one of the most accomplished in U.S. history sparked laughter not because attendees of the annual summit found the remark ridiculous ― but because it was so “honest,” Haley said during an appearance on “Fox & Friends.”

“They loved how honest he is,” Haley said. “It’s not diplomatic and they find it funny. ... When he goes and he is very truthful, they kind of were taken back by it.”

I think I'm gonna be ill.

If I have to choose between this world with Trump in it and his sniveling sycophants telling us the naked emperor is wearing the absolutely best clothes or being lured to whatever brutal hell Pennywise the clown has for me, I would have to really think it over.  

How bad can that evil clown in the sewers really be?

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