I'm still endeavoring to watch MORE TV. Here's my latest report.
I recently finished the 2nd season of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. I very much enjoy the show when the focus is on Kimmy and Titus. Not so much Lillian or Jacqueline.
But season 2 introduces a new character that I've really enjoyed. It's not just because she's played by my future wife.

Series creator Tina Fey comes on board as a professional woman with a double life. By day, she's a straight laced psychiatric therapist. By night, she's an out of control drunk with no filter and no buffers. To be honest, she's a better psychiatric therapist by night when she's drunk and doesn't care what she says.
Tina's character is named Andrea which is the name of my current wife which may cause some confusion later on when Tina becomes my future wife. By the way, my current wife Andrea is OK with this because this is never going to happen and she's going to outlive me anyway so who cares?
While Tina Fey may be my future wife, she's not going to be my second wife. My second wife will be way too young for me and really messed up, I'm thinking Arianna Grande on the rebound from Pete Davidson. That will be a cluster fuck of a marriage and eventually I'll meet Tina in rehab where we will fall in love and eventually get married.
This is all OK with Andrea as this will never happen.
Anyway, gearing up for season 3 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. I want to be caught up when the last half season 4 drops which is the series finale. I will want other Kimmy fans to cry with when the show ends.
In anticipation of the 3rd season of The Good Place, I brought my daughter Randie into the fold with a binge watch of season 1. Randie figured out the twist in the season finale back around episode 6. Damn it! She doped it out sooner than I did.
We're now making our way through Season 2 and I'm recording Season 3 which started yesterday.
I've exposed Randie to a few episodes of MASH recently. She's not hooked on it or anything but she seems to like what she's been subjected to. Me, if MASH is on, I'm watching. And MASH is always on somewhere. It airs on AMC, TV Land and even the freaking Sundance Channel.
Speaking of Sundance....
That's where the classic Law and Order has disappeared to. I noticed it was no longer on TNT. I found it in Sundance.
When I discovered L&O over there, Sundance was runninb some really early episodes. What was weird was...
1) No Jack McCoy. Mike Moriarty was ADA Ben Stone before Jack Waterson joined the cast.
2) I was catching an episode before even Jerry Orbach was around. Man, it was weird.
3) It was in black and white and everyone was smoking cigarettes. (OK, not really.)
I'm thinking ahead when I catch up on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, I might go back and binge some New Girl on Netflix. Episodes air on TBS and I'll catch one now and then but I'd like to follow the series from the beginning in order. I have a thing for Zooey Deschanel.
OK, after I marry my 3rd wife Tina Fey, we'll adopt some kids but we need help so we hire Zooey Deschanel as our nanny. Why is Zooey Deschanel no longer an actor? Shut up and get your own fantasy. Anyway, Zooey and I get into a hot, passionate sex fueled affair! I am such a cad, cheating on Tina that way! Then Tina finds out and then.... she asks if she can join us?
Then Andrea shakes my shoulder, reminds me I need to wake up and go to work.
Son of a bitch!
Anyway, that's my report on my TV watching.
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