Is it too much to hope that the key role is a certain bow tie wearing time traveller who arrives to undo all the damage of The Last Jedi?
Sorry but there was all sorts of "messed up" going in The Last Jedi and it might take the Doctor to sort it out.
Before anyone gets too excited about see lots of Matt Smith doing a lot of stuff in a galaxy far, far away, I have two words for you:
In the run up to the movie, there was a lot of press about the key role Matt Smith would play in the reboot of the Terminator franchise. He even shared the cover with 3 principal leads for Entertainment Weekly. The beloved star of Doctor Who was going to be a major player in a big summer time sci-fi blockbuster. This was going to be epic!

Uh, no it wasn't.
Yes, Matt's role in Terminator Genisys was an important role in the movie, setting up the big bad of the rebooted franchise.
But Matt's on screen for maybe 2 minutes and the set up's not going to get a pay off. Critics hated Terminator Genisys and audiences didn't have much love for it either. A lackluster box office meant no sequel to Terminator Genisys and no second act for Matt Smith.
The Terminator franchise is making another go of it again but I think the plan is to pretend Terminator Genisys never happened.
Meanwhile, back to Star Wars, I do have a theory and it does in fact involve reversing part of The Last Jedi.
As you may recall, Supreme Leader Snoke was set up in The Force Awakens as some kind of big bad Sith lord whatever behind the Dark Order. Halfway through The Last Jedi, Kylo Ren straight up kills him.
Snoke goes up in smoke!
Well, that was anti-climatic.
Later Kylo Ren fights Luke Skywalker except.... Psych! Luke's not really there, just a projection through the force. Darn it! Luke tricked Kylo.
But what if Luke isn't the only one who tricked Kylo.
You know Snoke was this weird hulking creature. What if THAT was just a force projection. What if the persona of Snoke is just a force projection of the real Snoke's evil nature. Maybe the real Snoke looks human.
Maybe the real Snoke looks like... Matt Smith?
That'll be cool.
As long as they give Matt Smith more than 2 minutes.
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