Thursday, September 27, 2018

So Who Do You Trust?

Sitting in a dark suit before an array of Senators, this person could not believe this has come to this. Choking back tears, this person leaned closer to the microphone. 

I believed he was going to rape me. I believed Brett was going to accidentally kill me."

--Christine Blasey Ford


“I have never done this to her or to anyone. That is not who I am, and not who I was. You may defeat me in the final vote. But you won’t make me quit."

--Brett Kavanaugh


So who do you trust?


Both people laid their lives on the line in front of a panel of Senators but did any of it matter?


If you’re a Democrat, you believe Christine Blasey Ford even more. The depths of her emotion, the surprising strength of her candor, how can anyone doubt she is tellinb the truth. Well, you didn’t like Brett Kavanaugh before all this shit hit the fan. You like him even less now.


If you’re a Republican, you’re still standing by Brett Kavanaugh, the depths of his emotion, the surprising strength of his candor. You were determined that Brett Kavanaugh was going to make it to the Supreme Court bench before this shit hit the fan. Christine Blasey Ford has not changed your mind.  Brett Kavanaugh is even more your man than he was before. 


So did any of this that happened on Thursday do a damn bit of good? 


Probably not. The calculations for  Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation still hinge on the same breakdown as before we ever heard of Prof. Ford.


There are about 3 Republicans whose supporgt of Brett Kavanaugh is shaky and the GOP can only afford to lose one. With a 51 – 49 split in the Senate, Mike Pence has Vice President can cast the tie breaking vote to confirm Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court justice. But the Democrats are not in lock step in opposition; there are about 4 Red State Democrats who are up for re-election in states where Donald Trump won in 2016 and still enjoys significant support. A vote against Kavanaugh could costs those Democrats votes in those states and possible defeat. Those defeats would shift the balance of power in the Senate even more towards the GOP.


But possibly, Prof. Ford tipped the scales a bit.  If even Fox News has to admit that maybe, just maybe, there is something there.   


“You have to believe that the Republican senators right now are asking themselves whether this was a good idea, whether or not they have robbed themselves of the opportunity to ask pointed questions in a way that perhaps might be more compelling."
--Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum 


“This was extremely emotional, extremely raw and extremely credible. "Nobody could listen to her deliver those words and talk about the assault and the impact it had on her life and not have your heart go out to her. This is a disaster for Republicans."
---Fox News host Chris Wallace


Maybe one person, standing up to power and privilege can make a difference? I am not especially hopeful.  


But maybe, just this one, it can make a difference.

I hope so.

Because I believe her.

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