Saturday, September 15, 2018

Friends, Morons, Lend Me Your Pronouns

Much to my daughter's frustration, I still fumble around trying to keep straight some of the intricacies and complexities that surround sexual orientation and gender identity.  I stumble into assumptions about someone's gender or sexuality. I really do try to be aware of the importance of using the right pronouns. I know it's important but sometimes, I still get it wrong, fumbling for he or she when I should just go with they or them. 

If my pronouns are not in the right place, I like think my heart is, if that counts for anything. 

Whatever my failings and struggles navigating the terminology of the LGBTQ  community, I maybe can take some comfort that I'm not as bad as this moron: Marshall McPeek. 

At a convention for the National LGBTQ Journalists Association in Palm Springs, CA, Marshall McPeek greeted the assembled group thusly: 

"Ladies and gentlemen, things and its." 


That was....

Hold on, I'm trying to find the right words here.


OK, I got it.


I mean, really? REALLY?!?!

Come on! 

Marshall McPeek is  the chief meteorologist for a Fox affiliate owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group. Sinclair has become notable for its hard right political views that it forces on the TV station it owns. Is there a correlation between McPeek's brain dead remarks and the right wing agenda of his employers? Hey, as Fox News says, "I report, you decide."

NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ Journalists issued an apology: “We’ve worked hard for many years to make NLGJA an inclusive organization for transgender and nonbinary journalists. People were understandably hurt and offended by last night’s remarks. As journalists, we understand uniquely that words matter. We apologize and are committed to working to make NLGJA more inclusive and diverse.”

My daughter has a lot of friends who are transgender. She has endeavored to be supportive as many of her transgender friends have been rejected by family, so called friends, fellow students, colleagues. They are ostracized for living outwardly with the gender identity they know themselves to be inside. It's hard enough be called "she" when you're trying to live your life as a "he".

But "thing"? Or "it"? 

Marshall McPeek is contemptible in his ignorance and in his disregard for others who are just trying to live their life in truth and be the best person that can be.

Even Strax the Sontaran from Doctor Who (who is not all that bright) figures it out eventually. 

Boy or girl? Ultimately this is a person.

Not a thing. Not an it.

A person. Due the respect and courtesy we should extend to any person.  

No matter what gender they may be. 

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