Thursday, September 13, 2018

Awaiting Stormaggedon

Holy crap! It's Stormaggedon! 


OK, that's little baby Alfie, Craig's son from Doctor Who.

So, no, not THAT Stormaggedon! 

I'm talking about THIS Stormaggedon, this shit right here.....

This is Hurricane Florence! 

And this shit is real!

And it's heading right at me!

More or less. 

OK, it's heading towards my general area. 

Look, it's going to hit the state I live in!

Sort of. 

That's the thing with hurricanes....

They don't go where you expect they will.  

As I write this, Hurricane Florence appears to be eyeing coming ashore near Wilmington NC, then drag itself across the southeast corner of North Carolina before pushing it's way across South Carolina. 

If it follows that path, I think we'll be OK here at the Fortress of Ineptitude, about 200 miles away from there.  

But there is still cause for concern.  I have family down in southeastern North Carolina along with what is ostensibly my 2nd home but I still out of habit and tradition still call my mom's house.

My step brother is living there, doing a good job keeping up the place. But then there's the small matter of a Category 3 hurricane driving by for a visit.  

Unless it doesn't.  Florence could come ashore north of Wilmington, or more to the south, around Myrtle Beach.  

People in Greensboro NC, located smack dab in the middle of the state and about 300 miles from the North Carolina coast line have been in a panic. 

Monday night, gas pumps as local stations were going dry as people made a run to fill up all the cars before calamity struck. Right now there are a bunch of gas stations in the city without any gas not because of the storm but because of fear of the storm.  

And don't even think about buying bottled water. Shelves were cleared out by Monday. 

This is the same city that goes into a tizzy when there's winter weather advisory and someone sees this.

A single snow flake falls and POOF! There goes all the milk and bread.

So hundreds of miles from any actual beaches, citizens of Greensboro have established a beach head against this great and terrible Stormaggedon!

No, not that one! This one!  

Far be it from me to make light of this.  A hurricane came through here about 30 years ago. About 20 years ago, a storm pack a punch against Raleigh but it knocked the power out here at the Fortress 100 miles to the west for about 3 days. Over the last 20 years, we've been clipped a few times with heavy rain, raging winds and everybody making a run on gasoline and bottled water.  

Something feels a bit different this time. There's a sense of dread ahead of this storm, if not for me here but for my family in the southern part of the state. And for others I don't know. 

I'm really worried this one is going hurt. A lot.  

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