Welcome to I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You, the blog that is statistically twerk free!
Dave-El here and as you know, I have to from time to time offer up some space on my blog for corporate sponsors. As I have pointed out, high quality, intellectually stimulating blogging does not come cheap.
Neither does the shit I do here.
So today is one of those days as we welcome a brand new sponsor.
Scene opens: an exasperated teenage girl marches into the kitchen. Mom is at the sink.
Girl: Mom, we've got zombies.
Mom: What? Again? I just sprayed for them last week!
Zombie shambles into kitchen. Mom grabs a broom and waves at the zombie.
Mom: Shoo, zombie! Shoo!
Girl (making a face): Mom, the zombie left brain bits all over my new dress! Ewww!
Then Dad pops his head to the window. He's holding a rotting decapitated head in his hand by the hair.
Dad (irked): Honey, I just had to smash a zombie out in the garden. He nearly trampled our prize azaleas!
Mom (putting her hands on her hips and giving Dad a stern look): Dear, we need to call a professional zombie exterminator!
Dad (tosses head into garbage): We've discussed this before. Professional zombie exterminators are just too gosh darn expensive!
(Voice from nowhere) Not anymore, they're not!
Suddenly in a very bad, low budget edit, two men in dark blue jump suits appear in the kitchen.
Zeke (very, VERY enthusiastic): I'M ZEKE!
Zed (has no enthusiasm): Zed.
Zeke & Zed (although Zed's not quite keeping up) And we're ZEKE & ZED'S ZOMBIE ZAPPER ZERVICE!
Zed: ...zervice.
Mom: Wow! Can you help us with our zombie problem?
Zeke (still excited while Zed stands there with his eyes barely open): You betcha! We can rid your house of zombies, WHEREVER they might be in the house!
Another cheap edit cut: Zeke, Zed and the family in the living room. A zombie is slouched on the couch eating popcorn and watching TV.
Zeke: In the living room!
Zed: ...room.
Quick cheap edit cut: Zeke, Zed and the family in the bathroom. A zombie is in the shower.
Zeke: In the bathroom!
Zed: ...room.
Girl: Gross! He's using my shower poof!
Quick cheap edit cut: Zeke, Zed and the family in the garage. A zombie steps forward and steps on a rake which flies up and hits him the face.
Zeke: In the garage!!
Zed: ...roj.
Dad: Hey, zombie! Don't you mess with my weed eater!
Quick cheap edit cut: Zeke, Zed and the family in the bedroom. A pair of...somethings (we presume zombies) are writhing around under the sheets with lots of gurgling and groans.
Zeke: And even in the bedroom!
Zed says nothing, shrugs.
Mom covers daughter's eyes.
Mom: That's disgusting! Sweetie, don't look!
Dad: Oh, man! Are those our NEW sheets?
Quick cheap edit cut: Zeke, Zed and the family on the front lawn. Zombie are shambling about, mostly at random but a couple seem to be trying to do some semblance of yard work.
Zeke: Anywhere! Everywhere! You have zombies? We can take 'em out!
Girl: But how, Zeke?
Zeke: Good question, little girl! And the answer is....
Quick cheap edit cut: Zeke, Zed and the family are back in the kitchen. Zombie shambling out with a mineral water bottle.
Zeke: The answer is our exclusive special ingredient! Tell 'em, Zed.
Zed just stands there. Zeke punches Zed in the arm.
Zeke: I said, tell 'em, Zed.
Zed (with absolutely no energy): Zinc.
Zeke (bursting with energy): That's right, Zed! ZINC! We've discovered that ZINC ZAPS ZOMBIES!
Zed (dully): Zap.
Dad (doubtful): Oh, but after you zap 'em, don't the zombies just come back?
Zeke: Not with our patent pending process of treating your home and lawn with our ZOMBIE ZAPPING ZINC ZOLUTION!!
Zed: ...shun.
Zeke: After one of our treatments, we guarantee you will have absolutely NO ZOMBIES for SIX months or your money back! And if one of your family gets turned into a zombie on your property in that time, we'll DOUBLE that guarantee!!
Girl: This sounds GREAT! Mom, Dad! Please let Zeke and Zed zap zombies! PLEASE!
Mom: Now, hold on a moment, honey. I'm sure your Dad would like to know how much this going to cost.
Dad: You bet! So how much will this extermination set me back?
Zeke: Not as much as you think! As a matter fact, add up all you spend on garbage bags for decapitated zombie heads as well as cleaning expenses for your clothes and furniture over a six month period. And the cost of our ZOMBIE ZAPPING ZERVICE is only a fraction of that.
Zed: ...that.
Dad: Outstanding!
Mom: This sounds wonderful!
Girl: C'mon, Mom! Dad! I'm tired of finding zombies in our house! It's yucky!
Mom: I can't agree more!
Dad: Hey, I'm sold! Zeke and Zed, go zaps some zombies!
Zeke (grinning broadly): You've made the right choice!
Zed: ...choice.
Quick cheap edit cut: Zeke and Zed outside their van
Zeke: And you TOO can make the right choice! Don't put up with zombies any longer! Come by and see us at 100 Kirkman Blvd or call us at 1-800-ZOMBIES!
Zed: ...bees.
Cheesy graphic appears on screen with the name of the business as we hear Zeke's voiceover.
Zeke: That's ZEKE & ZED'S ZOMBIE ZAPPER ZERVICE! When zombies need zapping, you won't catch us napping.
Zed: ...ing.
Zeke: Call or come by today! ZEKE & ZED'S ZOMBIE ZAPPER ZERVICE!!!
OK, maybe it's just me but I think Zed may have gotten a little too close to a zombie at some point. Or maybe just close to some premium grade weed.
So it looks like we've found another top of the line sponsor for this blog.*
Seriously, there were NO porn sites available who wanted to advertise here?
So a great big I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You welcome to Zeke and Zed's Zombie Zapping Zervice!

Don't forget Dave-El can be found on Twitter right here where I try to help Snoodle understand the new CBS show Hostages and I (drunkenly) proclaim my love for Ted's future wife on How I Met Your Mother (thank you, Linus).
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