I'm Dave-El and this is I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You and no, none of the pictures in this post are the slightest bit fuzzy. Maybe it's you. Nobody made you drink that much, you know.
Today is a special edition of the weekly Friday feature called bROkEN nEWs.
When I first started this blog, it served as a forum for the various "jokes on headlines" posts I was putting out on Twitter. These blog posts eventually evolved into bROkEN nEWs. In addition to the headline humor, I began adding visual gags as well. One of the first of those picture jokes was in response to the then-hot story of Amanda Bynes' meltdown.

The second I saw a picture of happy perky Amanda Bynes next to a recent photo of Bynes in shades and monster hair, the caption immediately leapt to mind and I realized I had to post it in that week's headline feature.
Amanda Bynes' disintegration from teen sitcom star to future mainstay of the Betty Ford Clinic was sad and should not be made fun of.
But what the hell.
The picture below was in response to a rumor of Amanda Bynes making a deal with Playboy. Naturally, I assumed it was a neat deal on a subscription.

This is one of the wigs Amanda wore to one of those legal hearings to proof she wasn't doing weed or just plan bat-shit crazy or some damn thing.

Oh, look! Both Justin Bieber AND Amanda Bynes showed up somewhere wearing hats.

I haven't heard much from Amanda Bynes lately. I seriously hope she's OK. Since Justin Bieber is "retiring", he'll have time to go on a road trip and find her. You know, give him something to do instead of
So I decided to launch a regular feature of photos with goofy headlines that I called...bROkEN nEWs IN pICtUREs.
Below is the very first one.
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The very first Broken News In Pictures (August 16, 2013) |
So bROkEN nEWs IN pICtUREs became a part of the weekly bROkEN nEWs feature. Below are samples from subsequent editions.
Ah, Ted Cruz. Second only to Anthony Weiner (*snicker!* "Weiner") as the best gift that keeps giving in the realm of political humor. The time Ted Cruz spoke for hours and hours and hours in an effort to defund Obamacare prompted this bit that I called "Cruz-a-thon".
While the constant whining and tantrums of Ted Cruz and the Tea Party ilk to overturn the Affordable Health Care Act were almost laughable, the Obama Administration was working overtime to figure out a way to shoot itself in the proverbial foot.
They succeeded.
Whether you are a proponent or an opponent of the Affordable Health Care Act, one would hope that more thought and planning would have gone into what was Obama's signature policy initiative. But the stories that have come out about the missteps surrounding the launch of HealthCare.gov almost made me think the following scenario might have occurred:
HealthCare.gov, the website that launched a thousand jokes.
I came up with these two.

It really got stupid when efforts were made to direct interested persons to Obamacare by using the phone instead of the frequently frustrating and virtually useless website.
Only to have phone lines overwhelmed.
So an edition of bROkEN nEWs was sponsored by Obamacare Express which relied on less high tech ways to deliver health care information to potential customers.
Here is the graphic I created for that bit.

A lame joke at the expense of Target lead me to write a "disclaimer" from Target. I struck me as a bit funnier to overlay that text over the Target logo.

This "disclaimer" from the fine folks at Blockbuster was in response to a joke that insinuated that the last employees of the video store chain were asleep.
Oh, NOW this bothers them!
Maybe one day K-Mart may be following Blockbuster into corporate limbo but they're still hanging in there. Even it gets lonely sometimes.
This was a "disclaimer" from K-Mart after I posted a joke involving a bomb threat at a K-Mart in Washington State.
Speaking of limbo, political purgatory coughed up Anthony Weiner (*snicker!* "Weiner") to run for mayor of New York City and Elliot Spitzer to run for New York City....I don't know, dog catcher or something. During Elliot's campaign, a good awful creepy photo of him at a campaign event popped up online.
Next thing I know, Elliot Spitzer's quoting lines from the Joker from the 1989 Batman movie by Tim Burton.
Another frequent source of humor are the folks at Fox News (*snicker!* "Weiner"). Now I don't want to always go there for my jokes but damned if they don't make it so easy.
A few months back, Gretchen Carlson of the morning show Fox and Friends moved on to other pastures that didn't involve sitting next to Brian Kilmeade. The thing about the hosts of Fox and Friends is the amount of righteous indignation over some lapse in moral rectitude in America that was directly attributable to Barack Obama.
I appreciate Gretchen Carlson's passionate defense of pure and wholesome American values coupled with her frequent display of upskirt shots.

I want to wrap up this retrospective with a look at one my favorite gags involving sequential visuals. This one looked in on the activities of the Mars Rover as it continues its quest to search for signs of life but only finding one thing.
Over and over.

So that's a look back at some of the visual jokes that have dotted the various entries of bROkEN nEWs. Until next time, remember to smile for the camera.
Oh, and be good to one another.
Tomorrow on the blog:
The last Doctor Who Saturday of 2013.
Blog Post # 300 is coming!
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