Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Chris Christie Needs Our Help!

Hi there! My name is Dave-El and today I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You is stepping up to offer support to a good man in a time of need: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

As you may be aware, there are some scurrilous accusations that in an action of political revenge against the mayor of Ft. Lee NJ, members of Gov. Christie's team arranged for lane closures on the George Washington Bridge that resulted in traffic gridlock for several days.

Gov. Christie immediately fired one subordinate involved with this scandal, pledged cooperation with investigations into this matter and has taken personal responsibility to declare he had nothing to do with this. 

But people don't believe him. 

There's this idea that Gov. Christie is a "bully" with a "bad temper" and given to "petty, vindictive acts". Next we'll hear he has a "weight problem". 

Look, you just need only take a look at this veritable teddy bear of a man and realize he's not like that. And coming to Gov. Christie's defense is no greater authority on the subject of Gov. Christie than...Gov. Christie. Read this article and I dare you to not a shed a tear over the torments this dear, sweet man has had to endure over this scandal. 

Yes, that article is in the news satire site, The Onion. But doesn't it show you how badly everyone has abandoned the governor in his time of need that he must resort to making his case online at a news satire site. CNN and Fox News sure aren't giving him a fair hearing. 

So that's why someone needs to stand up for Gov. Chris Christie

So I am offering this blog as a forum to reach out the 10's of people who read I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You to support the efforts of the New Jersey Arts Council's Tribute to Governor Chris Christie

This tribute will include a FILM FESTIVAL featuring movies like...

  • "The Bridges of Madison County"
  • "Bridge to Terabithia"
  • "Bridge Over the River Kwai" 
  • "A Bridge Too Far"

This festival will also present a spotlight on the films of Beau & Jeff Bridges! (Lloyd Bridges too!) 

In addition to the film festival, the Tribute to Governor Chris Christie will also feature a special MUSIC CONCERT featuring...

  • Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel ("Bridge Over Troubled Water")
  • The Judds ("Love Can Build a Bridge"
  • The Little River Band ("Love Is a Bridge") 
  • The Red Hot Chili Peppers ("Under the Bridge")
  • The Eagles ("Seven Bridges Road"

So come out to support New Jersey's beloved sweetheart of a governor, Chris Christie. The poor guy had no idea what hit him and he needs our support more than ever.  

So cross that bridge between you and Chris and make sure the governor knows: he is still loved. 

Thank you. 



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