Thursday, June 5, 2014

It Came Thru Bruce Wayne's Window #3

OK, here we go again! 


Bruce Wayne made a vow, a solemn vow.

A young boy who had watched his parents murdered 
by a criminal in an alley way, 
Bruce vowed to wage war on all criminals. 
He would dedicate his life and his resources to this quest. 

You know, this is the 3rd week of doing this so let's skip on ahead past all this stuff. 

So Bruce turned all his attentions to the task at hand, 
of transforming his body into the pinnacle 
of physical conditioning, 
a strong and cunning fighter. 

And he focused his mind 
on the science and art of crime solving.  

Over the years, Bruce Wayne fashioned himself 
into the ultimate weapon 
against the forces of crime and evil. 

But Bruce still needed one last bit of guidance, a direction on how to purse his goals and keep his vow. 

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