Sunday, October 21, 2018

Blog Post # 2,000!

Hi, there!

I’m Dave-El, strange visitor from across the street. My name is David Long but Dave-El is my Kryptonian name because I'm a total nerd.

And this is I’m So Glad My Suffering Amuses You, a blog that is to the internet what Sen. Elizabeth Warren is to the Cherokee Nation. 

Well, look at me being all topical ‘n’ stuff.

And this post right here is post #2,000!

Wow! 2,000 posts!  That is a lot!

To be fair, some of those posts are “encores”, reprints of prior posts. But the little ticker on my dashboard tells me this is post # 2,000 so I’m going with that number. 

I wasn't sure what to do for this milestone so I thought, hey, after 2,000 posts, maybe I'll introduce myself.

There's this questionnaire thing, A to Z, making the rounds. Mark Evanier and Ken Levine did some posts around it so hey, if it's good enough for those losers, let's have Dave-El give this a shot. 

Available/Single?  I am not single and I'm certainly not available! I am not that kind of man! Unless you're Tina Fey then yes, I am that sort of man. 

I have prior Tina Fey clearance so my wife's cool with it. Just as I've given her prior clearance for Robert Downey Jr.

Best Friend?  I do not have one. I am a totally friendless bastard. 

Cake or Pie?  Pie, without a doubt. Emphatically. Absolutely. I LIKE PIE!!!!!! I prefer the simplicity of pie. Apple, pumpkin, pecan.  

Now I have to admit I do love a good chocolate cake or carrot cake with cream cheese icing or a pineapple cake.

OK, I'm changing my answer to cake. 

But I do love pie! 

Can I replace the "or" in Cake or Pie with "and"?  

Drink of Choice?  Iced tea. Sweetened of course. If you offer me iced tea that is unsweetened, may your innards be feasted on by rabid owls.

Essential Item You Use Everyday?  Shampoo. I'm not really  big on my personal appearance. When you get to be a certain age and every day is just one more painful staggering step towards the abyss of death, it's hard to give any fucks about how you look. But I have found that any day I do not wash my hair is a day more prone to sadness and despair. 

Favorite Color?  Blue. Especially dark blue.  

Gummy Bears or Worms? Gummy Bears! 

Hometown?  If you mean where I am now, Greensboro NC. If you mean where I came from, I really don't want to talk about. I get sad thinking about my long lost planet of Krypton.  

Indulgence?  Right now, the coffee shop located in the office building where I work has these really good chocolate brownies that call out me at 3:00 PM every afternoon.  

January or February?  I am a winter. Sweaters, overcoats, dark colors...that's my jam. But even so, by the time February hits, the cold weather starting to wear a little thin. So I'll say January. 

Kids and Their Names?  Randie, my one and only daughter (that I know about! Wink! Wink! Nudge! Nudge!)

Life is Incomplete Without?  Randie, my one and only daughter. (Everbody go "aaaaaaa"!) 

Marriage Date?  October 2nd, 24 years ago.

Number of Siblings?  1/2.  One day I need to write a blog about that.  

Oranges or Apples?  Apples but only if they're in something... like pie!


Phobias/Fears?  I am literally one big honkin' ball of anxiety! Pick one? HA! 

Quote You Like?  "Where ever you go, there you are."

Reason to Smile?  New episodes of Doctor Who

Season?  As I said before, I am a winter.

Tag Three or Four People?  David Letterman, Barack Obama, Jodie Whittaker and Tina Fey.

Unknown Fact About Me?  I once sniffed the hair of a Miss North Carolina when I was in the 8th grade.  

Vegetable You Don't Like?  Asparagus!  I will tolerate almost any vegetable not asparagus! It is something floated to the top of pungent swamp water.   If you gave me a choice to eat asparagus or be stuck in a elevator with a Trump supporter, I think I would have to shoot myself. I do not own a gun but perhaps the Trump supporter would loan me one.  

Worst Habit?  Hold on. I'll get to this....

X-rays You've Had?  In 2017 when I busted my left elbow, I had several. Sometimes at night, I can read by the glow of my left arm. 

Your Favorite Food?  A simple hamburger. The more stuff you put on a burger, the less I like it. I just want a slab of ground beef,  some ketchup and mustard, maybe a slice of cheese and a little onion if you want to get all hoity-toity about it. 

Worst Habit?  Procrastination.   

Zodiac Sign?  Taurus. As in too stubborn to believe in astrology.   

That is that for this post. 

Coming up, more of the Halloween Countdown with weird shit. Also, tomorrow I will post on the latest new episode of Doctor Who.

Whatever comes down the pike, just remember above all else to be good to one another.  

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