Saturday, October 13, 2018

Taylor Swift In the Political Arena

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the....


Where men and women from all walks of life dare enter to express an opinion and will face certain...


I bring you.......

Yep, Taylor Swift.

Taylor has typically kept her own counsel when it comes to politics.  And you can’t really blame her. I mean, in addition to being a talented performer, Taylor Swift is also a savvy business woman and to be blunt, staking out ground on any political turf is usually not good for business. You're ticking off half of your audience who have different political views and you wind up at some point pissing off a big chunk of the people on the side you picked for not doing enough or saying the wrong thing. 

Politics is a mine field and Taylor Swift, at least from the perspective of a savvy business woman, has been wise to avoid it the political arena.

But enter it she has.  So what’s up? 

Because she may have realizes that if there is a price to be paid for entering the political arena, there is a price to be paid for avoiding it. 

Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor, former Presidential candidate and current self-righteous prick, dismissed Swift’s potential impact on the electorate. “13 year old girls can’t vote.”  

No, you dickless asshole, 13 year old girls can’t vote.  And here’s another thing 13 year old girls can’t do: they can’t stay 13 years old. 

There were a lot of 13 year old girls who aspired to be part of Taylor Swift’s squad when she was first starting out. Those 13 year old girls are older now, many old enough to vote and very much aware of  The Handmaid’s Tale dystopia that  you and the other Trump ass kissers are determined to drive us to.  

And for anyone in Taylor’s squad who is still in fact 13 years old, they can’t vote but they can hand out flyers, carry signs and make a lot of noise to influence those who can vote. 

And those 13 year old girls who can’t vote have mothers who can’t believe they still after all these years have to fight for the right to have control over their own bodies and still have to watch men of privilege still obtain seats of power when accused of sexual assault. These women do not want their 13 year old girls to grow up to be the second class citizens you would consign them to be. 

And the 13 year old girls who can’t vote today will be able to vote in 5 years and they will remember the political movement that dismissed them as people and as a force to be reckoned with.  

Yes, it’s true, Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor, former Presidential candidate and current self-righteous prick,  Taylor Swift has a lot of fans who were and are 13 year old girls. It’s a really large number of people, Mike, and if you want to dismiss them, then go right ahead do that because they represent a force that will finally consign your narrow minded, backward looking, bigoted, hypocritical ideology to the festering, fetid cesspool of history you and your ilk deserve to be buried in for such a long time now. 

Here’s Taylor Swift’s statement that set off her new foray into the political arena.  

“As much as I have in the past and would like to continue voting for women in office, I cannot support Marsha Blackburn. Her voting record in Congress appalls and terrifies me. She voted against equal pay for women. She voted against the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which attempts to protect women from domestic violence, stalking, and date rape. She believes businesses have a right to refuse service to gay couples. She also believes they should not have the right to marry. These are not MY Tennessee values. Please, please educate yourself on the candidates running in your state and vote based on who most closely represents your values. For a lot of us, we may never find a candidate or party with whom we agree 100% on every issue, but we have to vote anyway.” 

Li’l Donnie Trump naturally had something to say. “Marsha Blackburn is doing a very good job now in Tennessee. She’s leading now substantially, which she should. I’m sure Taylor Swift doesn’t know anything about her.  Let’s say that I like Taylor’s music about 25 percent less now, okay?”  

I’ll hazard a guess that Taylor Swift knows more about Marsha Blackburn than Trump does. “Doing  a very good job” is Li’l Donnie’s standard go-to when has to stick up for someone but he doesn’t know why other than the person is a Republican or once said something nice about Donald.  Whereas Taylor cited specific points of policy for which she disagrees with Marsha Blackburn. If Taylor wrote that the way Trump talks, she could’ve just said, “doing a very bad job” and left it at that.

While accepting her Artist of the Year award Tuesday night at the American Music Awards , Taylor Swift  kept up the pressure:  “This award, and every single award given out tonight, were voted on by the people, and you know what else is voted on by the people? The mid-term elections on November 6. Get out and vote. I love you guys.”  

Swift has 30 million MORE followers than Donald Trump on Twitter and she has 112 million followers on Instagram. Swift’s reach and potential influence is significant.  

Taylor Swift has entered the political arena. This could be big. 

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