Wednesday, October 3, 2018


"I had one beer, right? I had one beer! How did you get home? I don’t remember. How’d you get there? I don’t remember. Where’s the place? I don’t remember. ... Upstairs, downstairs, I don’t know. But I had one beer. That’s the only thing I remember.”

This was Donald Trump's mocking assessment of the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.  

Below are my feelings on the subject as expressed on Twitter.

Michael Bromwich, Dr. Ford's attorney had a more eloquent response.   

"A vicious, vile and soulless attack on Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Is it any wonder that she was terrified to come forward, and that other sexual assault survivors are as well? She is a remarkable profile in courage. He is a profile in cowardice."   

Trump "is a profile in cowardice". Cowardice is the defining characteristic of a bully and that is what Trump is.

Or to put it another way.....

It's bad enough that this fucking moron, this idiotic imbecile was prattling away with his mocking insults of Dr. Ford's trauma and testimony. He was doing this to the cheers of an adoring crowd.  

Women, for fuck's sake, were cheering.  

If Trump is a fucking moron, he wasn't alone up there.   

To be fair, the allegations made by Christine Blasey Ford are just that, allegations. There is no objective, definitive proof of Dr. Ford's claims. There is, conversely, no definitive proof of Brett Kavanaugh's exhoneration of these allegations. 

But there is no doubting the depths of Dr. Ford's feelings on this subject. As the world watched last Thursday as she made her appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee, the world saw a women who was poised and professional even as her voice quavered, her fears realized as her private pain was given a public forum she did not want. 

Christine Blasey Ford's testimony may not be confirmed by independent evidence and witnesses but her testimony was credible. 

Only someone as heartless and totally lacking in human empathy as Donald Trump would look at this and see this woman as a target for his mockery, his disrespect, his abuse.  

Donald Trump always manages to surprise me by finding even lower depths he is willing to crawl to to offend the sensibilities of a civilized and compassionate society. 

And all I can think of to say to this goddam bastard is...



Michael J. Proctor and Mark Osler, two of Brett Kvanaugh's classmates of  Yale Law School sat down and wrote a letter to Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).  They were among two dozen former students who had expressed their support for Kavanaugh to be confirmed to the Supreme Court. 

Here's what they have to say now.  

“Under the current circumstances, we fear that partisanship has injected itself into Judge Kavanaugh’s candidacy. That, and the lack of judicial temperament displayed on September 27 hearing, cause us to withdraw our support. The reason for our withdrawal is not the truth or falsity of Dr. Ford’s allegations, which are still being investigated, but rather was the nature of Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony.  In our view that testimony was partisan, and not judicious, and inconsistent with what we expect from a Justice of the Supreme Court, particularly when dealing with a co-equal branch of government.”


Three former law clerks,  Will Dreher, Bridget Fahey and Rakim Brooks, had previously endorsed Brett Kavanaugh to be placed on the Supreme Court.  

They too also wrote a letter. 

It's nice to see that letter writing is not a dead art.

So what did they have to say?   

“We write to clarify that, like many Americans, we have been deeply troubled by those allegations and the events surrounding them and were encouraged by the initiation of a formal FBI investigation, which we believe is warranted.  We hope, for the good of everyone involved, that this investigation will be independent and thorough.”

OK, that doesn't look good for Brett Kavanaugh but c'mon, guys, that's just five people, right? Brett's still our bro', our dude, right? It's not like 500 people have lined up to...

Hold on a second. I'm being handed this bulletin.   


More than 500 law professors from nearly 100 law schools around the nation have signed a letter....

Wow! Another letter! the U.S. Senate to say that the volatile temperament Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh displayed on Thursday as he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee disqualifies him from sitting on the nation’s highest court.

“We regret that we feel compelled to write to you to provide our views that at the Senate hearings on Thursday, September 27, 2018, the Honorable Brett Kavanaugh displayed a lack of judicial temperament that would be disqualifying for any court, and certainly for elevation to the highest court of this land."  

Whoa, dude! More than 500 law professors from nearly 100 law schools around the nation? That's a lot of people who don't think Brett Kavanaugh should be on the Supreme Court. 

Will this stop Senate Republicans from trying to put him there anyway? Probably not.  

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