Monday, October 15, 2018

Doctor Who Is NEW!: The Ghost Monument

Last week, The Woman Who Fell To Earth put the new pieces of the new Doctor Who in place beautifully.  

But launching a new season of Doctor Who with a new Doctor is one thing. 

Where does the journey goes next? Now that's the tricky part. 

This week, we get an opening title sequence and theme music and it is awesome!!!

When last week's episode was over, one part of the Doctor Who mythos was missing, the TARDIS. The Doctor sussed out a way to find it and rigged up a teleporter to take her there. Unfortunately, the teleporter scooped up Yaz, Ryan and Graham along with the Doctor. 

Even more unfortunately, the teleporter plops Yaz, Ryan and Graham along with the Doctor into deep space.

Uh oh. 

Where does the journey goes next?

We'll find out after the break. 

Caution: spoilers, sweetie!  

The Ghost Monument 
by Chris Chibnall

It's not quite the rescue of Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect by the Heart of Gold in Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy but it's kind of close. In the vastness of space and in the mere seconds left of life, the Doctor and Yaz gets picked up by a passing space ship while Ryan and Graham get scooped up by another one.   

The two ships are piloted by the last 2 contestants of Rally of the Twelve Galaxies, a.k.a. The Amazing Race: Intergalactic Edition. Epzo is a surly solitary pilot who's looking for himself and no one else. Angstrom is a woman seeking the race's grand prize to save her family (if they're still alive) from a planet being decimated by a hostile race. The grand prize is a ton of money in a form of currency exchange that befuddles the Doctor but then the Doctor has never been big on money.  Whatever, it's a lot of money.

Everybody comes together on this desert planet called Desolation which does its damnedest to live up to that name, actively out to kill anybody who lands on it. One last test to win the contest: cross a big chunk of the planet and the first contestant to reach the Ghost Monument wins. The loser is left on the planet to die.  

Any guesses that the Ghost Monument is the TARDIS?

Yes, the Ghost Monument is the TARDIS.  

I was so proud I figured that out before the reveal only to find out everyone around me had already sussed that out before I did.  

Chris Chibnall's script is strong on exploring the impact of events on characters moreso than the events themselves.  He peels back the layers on Epzo and Angstrom. Of our regular cast, Graham and Ryan seem to come to grips with being on an alien planet but have not completely grasped how to deal with their grief over Grace's death last episode and how they can relate to each other now. Yaz still needs more depth; she proves herself to be brave and capable but not much else. We do get a bit of a peek into her life at home, referencing life with a dad and sister that is less than satisfying. We've gotten a lot of nuance with Ryan and Graham these two episodes; Yaz is very much due her turn.   
Eventually, the Doctor uncovers the secret of Desolation, left devastated by killing machines and ultimate weapons designed by scientists were held captive the Stenza. Oh man! Those bastards again?  We met Tzim-Sha from that bunch last episode. Chris Chibnall said there would not be a season long story arc but he does seem to be building some kind of recurring "big bad" in the Stenza. 

Borrowing a page from the Moffat play book, Chibnall makes us scared of a common looking object. In this case, we meet the Remnants, slithering strips of cloth that are dormant by day but come to life at night with apparently telepathic powers, eerily whispering about their victims’ inner thoughts and fears. They latch on to the Doctor. “You lead but you’re scared, too, for yourself and others. Afraid of your own newness. We see deep through, further back: the timeless child.” 

"Timeless child”? Two words that really dig deep into the Doctor.  It seems to trouble her too much to not see this as something that may be revisited again.  

The race is run and won but the Doctor, Yaz, Ryan, and Graham are left behind.  We see the Doctor falter, losing all hope. “I’m sorry. I failed you. I promised you, and I let you down.” Yaz, Ryan, and Graham seek to bolster the Doctor's spirits and resolve when the Doctor hears it. 

The most hopeful sound in the universe.

The TARDIS is materializing.   


The Doctor calls out to her old friend.  “It’s alright! It’s me! Stabilize. Come to daddy. I mean, mummy.” It's a rare reference to her gender change. 

The Doctor enters the TARDIS and it is a moment of joy and wonder as we see for the first time the new console room with towering crystal pillars mixed with technology both sleek and retro.  

The Doctor is back in the TARDIS with friends along for the journey.

Doctor Who is back!   

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