Saturday, August 10, 2019

Doctor Who and the Rumor Mill Runs Amuck

Doctor Who was in the news this week.

Not necessarily for good reasons. And ultimately not for true reasons. 

Time for Doctor Who’s Fake News. 

(Sorry, I know I was reaching on that one.) 

The rumor mill was running amuck with the latest reiteration of “Chris Chibnall is leaving”.

There has been some version or another of “Chris Chibnall is leaving” since Steven Moffat announced Chibnall as his replacement as show runner and head writer.

Maybe it’s because it seems that Chibnall and Doctor Who seem like an odd fit. Which is odd in that Chris Chibnall, like Russell Davies and Steven Moffat before him, is a lifelong Doctor Who fan.

Yes, Chibnall is known for crime dramas like Law & Order UK and Broadchurch but that didn’t stop the creator of Queer As Folk (Davies) or Coupling (Moffat) from taking on Doctor Who. 

But unlike his predecessors, Chris Chibnall seems to lack the more outgoing personas that Davies and Moffat projected for the fans. Even if running Doctor Who was a major four alarm stress fest, Davies and Moffat still seemed to be enjoying themselves. Every time I see Chris Chibnall, he seems to hold himself in check very much. He is much more restrained in his interactions with the press and with the fans. When rumors swirl around that Chibnall is miserable as hell and regrets ever agreeing to head up Doctor Who, well, his usual demeanor lends credence to such speculations.

The most recent rumors alleged that Chibnall screened a rough cut of the first episode for Series 12 for the BBC. The BBC apparently found so much wrong with the episode and demanded so many revisions and reshoots that Chris stormed out of the meeting.

There was even a rumor of Jodie Whitaker in a shouting match with Chris Chibnall on the streets of Cardiff, yelling at him that he can’t quit now.

Pretty dramatic stuff.

Also not one bit of which is verifiable.

Here is what Steven Moffat had to say about such rumors.

And to end on a positive note, here are some pictures of a happy Jodie Whitaker.

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