Friday, August 2, 2019

Still Too Many People Running For President

A few weeks ago, I did a post called “Too Many People Running For President” wherein we took a look at the excessively large number of people running for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States of America.

Today’s post is titled “Still Too Many People Running For President” because, good God in heaven almighty, these schmucks are not giving up.

After the first round of debates, only 1 candidate dropped out: Eric Swalwell. Since then, Tom Steyer, a super rich New York City hedge fund manager, philanthropist, environmentalist, liberal activist, and fundraiser has joined the fray. I guess so  Bill de Blasio won’t feel lonely as the only super rich New Yorker looking to buy his way into the White House? Steyer has been using his copious amounts of wealth to promote efforts to impeach Donald Trump. Since Li’l Donnie remains unimpeached, I guess Tommy thought he better get in there and get his hands dirty.

Given his late entry into the race and lacking the requirements set forth by the Democratic Party, Tom Steyer did not make the cut off for this week’s debates.

Also not making the cut for this week’s debates:  

Mike Gravel, an 89 year old former U.S. senator from Alaska (1969–1981) who ran as a Democratic and Libertarian candidate for President in 2008  and seriously, are there NO standards for running for President?!?!  Yes, Donald Trump answered that question with an emphatic “no” but still, this guy?

Wayne Messam,  mayor of Miramar, Florida (2015–present) who has missed two debates. This guy is so unknown, I wouldn’t be surprised that the residents of Miramar, Florida haven’t heard of him.

Joe Sestak, former U.S. representative from Pennsylvannia  (2007–2011)

Seth Moulton, a current  U.S. representative from Massachsetts (2015–present).

These guys are allegedly running for President. They should stop. It’s embarrassing.

I would says it's REALLY embarrassing if we had more of an idea of who these schmucks are. 

The following 20 people did make the cut off to participate in this week’s debates. So these schmucks get to embarrass themselves on TV in front of  a national audience.

Let’s start with those who really (I mean, REALLY!) need to stop running for President.  

Former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke. Poor Beto. His moment in the sun has passed. He puts on a good show on the campaign trail, jumping up on tables and talking to the common folks. But really, there’s nothing there. Beto only looks good as a candidate. Mattel and Barbie presents "Candidate Ken!"  

Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney. He distinguished himself as Liz Warren’s whipping boy. I know, John’s pragmatic approach is refreshing in a world turning turtle but to take on Trump, pragmatism is not going to carry the day. John Delaney needs to look at his true career calling: chartered accountancy. 

Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio. Tim Ryan seemed a bit more forceful and less dazed in his 2nd debate but he’s still just your neighborhood dad. He looks for like he’s more ready to grill up some steaks than lead the free world.  Maybe he can be Secretary of the Interior or something? 

Self-help author Marianne Williamson. OH! MY! GOD! Why is this fruit loop still in this thing? How in the name of all of the “dark psychic force" of the deepest pits of Hell is she qualifying for these debates? 

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock. Look at Ol’ Cowboy Steve in his cowboy boots.  And that I think his is main qualification for running for President. "I can beat Donald Trump! 'Cause I'm wearin' cowboy boots." OK, he may have a point but still...

Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.  Amy is still trying spin Presidential gold out of the straw of her Senate showdown with Brett Kavanaugh. Amy, you need to stand over in the shade with Beto.

Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper. Solid political background but not really breaking through the pack. Besides, his name sounds like a deviant sex act. "That girl likes to do the weird stuff. Like the hickenlooper!" Man, you gotta love a woman who'll do the hickenlooper!   

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio. Bill, really, nobody likes you. Stop doing this to yourself. Usually, a rich guy with this kind of masochistic streak just hires a high end dominatrix for the weekend.  

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y. I really feel bad about this one. There was a time when Kirsten was on fire and unstoppable. How she’s just the woman who killed Al Franken’s career. Yeah, I know, Al did a bunch of inappropriate stuff to women but, unlike Donald Trump, I think he feels bad about it. 

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii.  Sorry girlfriend, just not feeling it. I can't evern come up with a snarky comment about her.  

Gov. Jay Inslee, D-Wash. If you wanna talk CLIMATE CHANGE, Jay is your man and it is a very important issue. But it’s not the ONLY issue a President must face and when the subject isn’t CLIMATE CHANGE, Jay just looks lost.  

Sen. Michael Bennett, D-Colo.. He seems like a solid straight up kind of guy. I couldn’t help thinking, though that Wednesday, Mike was auditioning to be Joe Biden’s veep.   

Andrew Yang.  He seems smart and savvy but Presidential? I’m just not feeling it. He's a smart, crazy rich Asian and he's fading in the background. 

OK, all those people need to stop running for President and stop now. 

The next group, I'm not saying they are going to be the nominee or even deserve to be. But they have some name recognition and some skills. It is not a total waste of time for these people to be running for President. 

At least right now. Maybe in a few months, they've lost their mojo or never found it to begin with. 

But for now and I mean for now, they have a shot.   

Sen. Bernie Sanders is still employing his shtick of yelling, gesticulating madly and more yelling. Other than everybody getting everything for free, all I get from Bernie is he's an angry man sending back soup in a Jewish deli. Personally, I think the shtick is getting old. Bernie is a parody of himself. But there is no denying he can energize a room, he can fight the good fight anyone and everyone. Bernie one on one with Donald Trump would take no prisoners and I would pay good money to see that.  

Mayor Pete Buttigieg is losing his moment. I'm still keeping him in this group because he's smart, he can talk the talk and walk the walk. I like how Pete uses Biblical scripture to take down the hypocrisy of the evangelical right. For now, I'm keeping him in the "don't give up yet" group but he is on the downside of the zeitgeist.   

Sen. Cory Booker, I said before, has the passion of a committed candidate for President. But does he have the purpose? In the 2nd debate, Booker seemed to be a more forceful presence. Still is there more to Cory Booker than "Hey, you miss Obama? I'm a cool black guy too! Vote for me!" I think once we can get past the clown college mass of extraneous candidates, maybe Sen. Booker can hold on long enough to make a stronger case for why he should be President.  

Former Vice President Joe Biden is still in this group simply because his poll numbers put him far and away above all the other candidates. But does he truly belong there? Biden's 2nd go at the Democratic debates was less awkward and more strong than his 1st go around. But he still seems too uncertain and too unsteady. I think Biden is just too damn old and is well past his moment. Name recognition and poll numbers will carry him so far but I think when its time for some actual votes to be counted, I don't think Biden will deliver.   

Sen. Kamala Harris is, like Pete Buttigieg, losing her moment. Her strong performance at the 1st debate was not matched at the 2nd. Make no mistake, Sen. Harris is sharp as a tack and a tenacious fighter. But there's something missing from the package when she gets in the weeds of actual policy proposals.  Again, maybe as the crowd thins out a bit and she has more than 2 minutes to shout out policy positions over an overpopulated stage, she might do better. 

Sen. Elizabeth Warren kicks ass in the debates, even when she isn't talking. She has this steely eyed gaze that should scare the shit out of Donald Trump.  If Biden's nostalgia tour wasn't sucking up all the oxygen, I think Warren would be sitting at the top of the heap with a considerable lead in the polls. Warren leans towards Bernie Sanders' more progressive positions but I think she has the ability to sell these ideas to middle America in a way Bernie cannot.  

So there's still too many people running for President. This loud and raucous crew needs to get narrowed down fast because all that matters above all else is making sure Donald Trump doesn't get four more years to destroy this country.  

EDITED 08/05/2019, 10:25 AM
I noticed that in my overview of the "Still Too Many People Running For President" that I overlooked someone.

Julian Castro. 

In the previous post, "Too Many People Running For President", I referenced Castro as one of those candidates to hang in there, that maybe, just maybe he has a chance.

It took me three days to realize that I completely left Julian Castro off of the follow up post.

That's on me.

But since the basic premise of these posts is not based on any scientific, objective analysis but purely on my subjective "do I even know who you are" and "do I care", sadly, based on my inability to remember Julian Castro even belonged anywhere in this list, I will have to consider Castro among those who need to stop running for President and stop now. 

Sorry, Julian. 

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