Saturday, August 31, 2019

Thanks For Nothing, Lawrence O’Donnell.

On Tuesday, MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell leaned in hard on a report on how records from Deutsche Bank showed that loans made to Donald Trump had been co-signed by Russian billionaire oligarchs with close ties to Vladimir Putin.


Well, we’ve got that lard ass moron son of a bitch now, don’t we?




Maybe we don’t? 


O’Donnell did add the caveat that this information was from a single source and had not been vetted by NBC News.




An attorney for Donald Trump was in touch with NBC first thing Wednesday morning and demanded a retraction from O’Donnell or there would legal hell to pay. 


On Wednesday afternoon, Lawrence O’Donnell was issuing an apology.


So here’s the deal? Were loans made by Deutsche Bank  to Donald Trump co-signed by Russian billionaire oligarchs with close ties to Vladimir Putin?


The answer could be “yes”. Or it could be “no”.  But Lawrence O’Donnell was too super eager to get that lard ass moron son of a bitch on something that even Trump’s ignorant base could not ignore.


But Lawrence jumped the gun and now what.


Look, it’s bad enough that Trump immediately jumps on the back of media with accusations of “fake news” even if the story is supported by facts.  Trump still causes damage when he’s shooting blanks.


What we don’t need to do is to give this lard ass moron son of a bitch actual live ammunition. 


And what if the story turns out to be true, that Deutsche Bank  did give loans to Donald Trump that were co-signed by Russian billionaire oligarchs with close ties to Vladimir Putin?


Trump is inoculated.


Remember how Bill Barr got out ahead of the Mueller report and basically said, “Trump did nothing. Move on everyone. Nothing to see here.” Then the actual report got out there and whoa, Trump did a lot of stupid questionable shit. But the base only heard and remembered the first thing.


So what happens if there is actual and verifiable proof that Deutsche Bank  lent money to Donald Trump with loans co-signed by Russian billionaire oligarchs with close ties to Vladimir Putin?


“FAKE NEWS! Lawrence O’Donnell already apologized for that and said he was wrong!” 


Well, thanks for nothing, Lawrence O’Donnell.

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