Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Earth Is On Fire

Well, it was a good run while it lasted.

The Earth is on fire!

OK, Bill Nye, the Science Guy tried to tell us a few months ago during an appearance on John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight.

“The PLANET'S on FUCKING FIRE!” Mr. Nye asserted with a degree of rage we do not usually associate with our amiable science teaching TV hosts for children.

To be fair, things in this old world are in constant defiance with anything with usually what we usually expect from it.

Summer is hotter than ever.

Storms pop up with a level of strength and ferocity that exceeds our previous experience.

Permafrost is melting. Permafrost is frost so damn cold, it’s around permanently. Right there in the name, folks. Except permafrost is not so perma.

None of this is unexpected. Science has warned us for years, going back to the 1990s (when Friends was new and not a nostalgia thing) that the planet is getting hotter and that’s not a good thing.

None of this undeniable. Hell, I’m not a scientist and I can tell you without a doubt from just wat I see, hear and feel, weather did not used to be like this.

Of course all of this is deniable if you’re one of those right wing cretins who thinks man-made climate change is a made up horror story by them liberals who are trying to take away your airplanes and hamburgers. I mean, all the science isn’t in yet.

How much fucking science do you need?

Let’s check with this noted scientist.

When Nye made this dramatic proclamation, it was a desperate attempt to wake up people to the ever increasing hotting up of the atmosphere of our planet.

Now, it literally is on FIRE!

The Amazon in South America is on fire. Producing up to 20% of the Earth’s oxygen, the Amazon is referred to as the lungs of planet Earth. 

The planet’s lung’s are on fire.  The Amazon on fire impacts the entire world. Or as this guy might put it:

If you’re wondering why this happening now, you can blame this one on Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro, the Donald Trump of Brazil.

If you think that it sucks there is one Donald Trump on this planet, imagine that there are back up Li’l Donnies around the globe.

Right, Bill. So Jair Bolsonaro looked over at the lungs of the world and figured there was a shit ton of money to be made if you knock enough of Amazon down to graze enough cattle.

Since taking office in January, Jair Bolsonaro has been hacking away environmental regulations because regulations are bad, you know? There’s money to be made and regulations get in the way of that.  Does this remind of you of anyone you know? Tall, fat, orange colored, IQ of a dung beetle?

Singing from the Donald Trump hymn book, Bolsonaro blamed others for the fires (check) in effort to undermine him (check check) with no evidence to support his claim (check check check). 

What’s a few trees when there’s money to be made?

So you might want to spend it fast. 

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