Hi there! I'm Dave-El and welcome to Doctor Who Saturday here at my blog, I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You. This is where I post something every Saturday to move through the weeks until truly talented professionals can offer up true blue actual Doctor Who stuff.
And speaking of "actual Doctor Who stuff", tomorrow is the simultaneous world-wide announcement of who will be the next Doctor. I think we've done the math right so that'll be 2:00 PM on the American east coast. So far we're following the standard pattern of Doctor switch off: the agonizing wailing and gnashing of teeth over the announcement that the current Doctor is leaving. After that comes the rush of energy over who will take over the role next. This announcement will be greeted with "Wow! He's perfect!", "What the hell were they thinking?" and much more. As I said, pretty par for the course but this announcement is way off the charts. I mean, it's been turned into a Super Bowl pre-game show but for Doctor Who nerds.
Today we are up to episode 4 of my little dog & pony show called The Nemesis Who Stole Time, my own bit of whacked outedness in celebration of Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary.
Here is Part One.
Here is Part Two.
Here is Part Three.
As you've seen so far, something is making the Doctor's regenerations reverse themselves, causing the Doctor and his TARDIS to continually revert to prior forms. As of the end of part 3, this mysterious phenomenon has brought the Doctor back to his 8th incarnation.
Meanwhile, the Doctor and Clara Oswald are on a mission for the White Guardian to recover the shatter pieces of the Key to Time in order to stop (hopefully stop, we should say) a force known as The Great Negation. They've been joined by Martha Jones-Smith, Jack Harkness and River Song in their dual quests to save the universe AND save the Doctor.
So let's get on with it, shall we. First up are recaps and then....Part 4 of the Nemesis Who Stole Time.
The White Guardian: The Key to Time, Doctor. Once more it is
needed. I’m sure you have heard of…The Great Negation. The first planet to
fall. Then the first of the stars.
11th Doctor: The good news is we have a plan.
A red laser blast cuts through the air and slams the 11th Doctor
right in the chest.
The 11th Doctor looks down at his hand and it starts to glow. Then
his whole body bursts into light.
The regeneration glow is gone and
there stands…the 10th Doctor.
10th Doctor: Someone has changed time and
it’s cost the lives of two people I held very dear.
Clara: Doctor, what’s happened to the
Martha: Not sure why it was so important (Martha pulls out a piece
of broken crystal)
The White Guardian: The Key to Time, Doctor. It is needed. I’m sure
you have heard of…The Great Negation. The first planet to fall. Then the first
of the stars.
The 10th Doctor begins regenerating.
9th Doctor: The plan is that as the fragments are gathered, they
begin to re-assert their power. Plugged in the TARDIS console, the coordinates
immediately adapt to bring us to the nearest location of the next
Martha: The Doctor needs our help.
River (serious): Most assuredly. The Doctor called for help…
Jack: And here we are!
Through the open doors of the TARDIS, we see from the outside a
flare of blinding golden light.
River, Jack, Martha and Clara push outside the TARDIS doors.
Martha: No, not them!
Surrounding the Doctor are Weeping Angels.
River: Weeping Angels
The 8th Doctor: Yes, I know.

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