Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Return of Abba

Hallå där! Jag är Dave-El och välkommen till jag är så glad mitt lidande roar dig, den största blogg i hela vida världen!

Idag vill jag skriva ... Håll en minut, tack.


Sorry, I had my blog set for Swedish.

Anyway, today I want to write about my favorite band from my time as a young Dave-El child person. That band was Abba

As I recounted here, my 13th post ever on this blog, my first music album I ever bought was Arrival which featured Abba's biggest ever hit single, Dancing Queen. Like a lot of people back in the 1970s, I came to Abba fandom as a result of that song. However, unlike others here in America, I stayed with my fabulous foursome from Sweden.  I bought their earlier albums and purchased their new releases.

Yes, even the (ugh!) disco one.

Even if Abba peaked with Dancing Queen in the United States, they were a major phenomenon elsewhere in the world, packing in stadiums with enthusiastic fans. When Abba called it a day in 1982, it may have seemed from here in the States that the group was calling it a day at the end of a career. Everywhere else, Abba left millions of fans wanting more.

Abba has famously made it point not to reunite. They reportedly refused a payment of one billion dollars to reunite.

Yes, that's one billion. With a "b". 

Yes, they've been seen together at various events. All four were on hand when Abba was inducted into the Rock 'N' Roll Hall of Fame. All four were seen when Bjorn Ulvaeus opened his new restaurant. But except for one brief appearance in 1986, all four have never sung together in public.

Until now. 

Click here for more on the story but the thing is that at last Abba reunited to perform one more time. It was just one song which seemed appropriate. They didn't launch a tour with a crass commercial appeal. Nope, just four old friends recapturing magic for one song.

Nice to know you're still with us. No, you're not as young as you used to be but then, neither are we. But in our hearts, the Dancing Queen is still dancing, young and free.

As one of your song titles once said, "Thank you for the music." 

Kom ihåg att vara bra till varandra!



Remember to be good to one another. 

I'll be back with another new post tomorrow. 

I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You

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