Sunday, October 9, 2016

Doctor Who: Cybermania - Episode Two

Hi there! Welcome to Doctor Who Day here on the ol' blog thing as we post another episode of my latest fan-fiction.

And here's the disclaimer.

And...... we're off!

by David Long
Episode Two

Scene opens: the Doctor, River Song and the Emperor (Porridge) are face to face with a Cyberman without his helmet revealing the face of the 11th Doctor.
Mr. Clever: And now, Mr. Clever will have his revenge! Oh, look at that!
Mr. Clever drops his Cyber helmet as it clatters on the floor. He looks at this arms and we see the metal armor shifting, changing form.
The Doctor: What are you doing?
Mr. Clever: What am I doing? Why, the back stroke! No, wait! The Watusi? Oh, there’s a joke in there somewhere! Except….no joke. I am regenerating!
While the Doctor is engaging Mr. Clever, we see River furtively move to the side as if to outflank Mr. Clever.
The Doctor: That impossible!
Mr. Clever: Not for Mr. Clever! Oh, I do so love that name! Much better than something lame like, oh, I don’t know, the Doctor! Uh oh! Someone’s being naughty!
Suddenly, Mr. Clever moves at super speed but not towards the Doctor but towards River. Before she can react, Mr. Clever knocks the weapon from her hand and grasps her tightly in a metal grip.
The Doctor: River! NO!
Mr. Clever: Hello! Is this... River Song? But aren't you dead?

River: Spoilers... sweetie.

Mr. Clever: My, my, my! Doctor, bringing the little woman along! How terribly... domestic. 
River: If you want to dance, I must warn you: I prefer to lead.
The Doctor: Let her go!
Mr. Clever: Say my name.
The Doctor stares at him very coldly. River’s trying to look more tough than frightened.
Mr. Clever: Say. My. Name.
The Doctor: Let her go…Mr. Clever.
Mr. Clever: Now was that so hard.
Suddenly, Mr. Clever hurls River away and she slams into a far wall.
The Doctor: River!
The Doctor rushes to her side as Mr. Clever strides resolutely towards the Emperor.
The Doctor leans over River.
The Doctor (whispers): River! Are you…?
River groans weakly.
River: Not dead…yet, my love. 
Meanwhile, our attention is back on Mr. Clever. As he walks, we see the Cyber arm is getting sleaker, less bulkier, more like a second skin than an armored form.
Mr. Clever: Now, you…little man.
The Emperor stands firm with a look of determination as he looks up at the shifting Cyberform of Mr. Clever.
Emperor: I am the Emperor and I am not afraid of you.
Mr. Clever: Well, then. That makes you a little and STUPID man.
Mr. Clever raises his hand, an almost human like hand but coated in silver and laced with wire. His hand glows.
The Doctor (shouts): NO! STOP!
The Doctor rushes towards Mr. Clever who turns to face him but still holds his glowing hand towards the Emperor.
Mr. Clever: Why?
The Doctor stops.
The Doctor: Why?
Mr. Clever: Yes, why? Why must I stop, Doctor? Why must I not reduce this stupid little man to stupid little ashes?
The Doctor shrugs.
The Doctor: I don’t know? Because he owes me money? Because its Tuesday? Because of penguins? Because I said so? I don’t care. Just… stop.
Mr. Clever lowers his arm and turns towards the Emperor.
Mr. Clever: By the way, your call for help? Blocked the signal. Ha!
Emperor: How?
Mr. Clever: Because I… am… CLEVER!
Mr. Clever turns back towards the Doctor.
Mr. Clever: And you are irritated.
The Doctor: Irritated doesn’t begin to cover it! You’re hurting people, you’re a danger to this world, you…
Mr. Clever: Oh, blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAH! Different face but the same predilection for boringness! No, you’re irritated because you have questions. But no answers.
The Doctor: Who are you?
Mr. Clever: I’m Mr. Clever.
The Doctor: Why are you here?
Mr. Clever: To have my revenge, we have covered this, you…
The Doctor: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?
Mr. Clever pauses a bit, then laughs.
The Doctor: Oh, Doctor…
The Doctor: HOW… are you here? You can’t be here! It’s impossible!
Mr. Clever: No, just… clever.
The Doctor: Tell me! HOW are you here?
Mr. Clever shakes his head and idly begins to pace. By now, his Cyberman armor is a virtual skin of silver metal with lines crossing about in random directions. He’s like a walking circuit board.
Mr. Clever: Oh, Doctor. You know, I should be cross with you. You cheated! You cheated at our great game when last we met!
Mr. Clever turns abruptly towards the Emperor.
Mr. Clever: And you! You and your kingdom and its nasty little bomb that destroyed my Cybermen and the platform of our next and greatest and ultimate invasion of worlds beyond worlds! I really should be angry with you.
And then Mr. Clever turns and points at River Song who is staggering to her feet.
Mr. Clever: And you! OK, I really don’t know you that well but…you know what? The hair! Your hair is ticking me off!
And then Mr. Clever turns back towards the Doctor.
Mr. Clever: Oh, so much to be angry about, Doctor! But ultimately…
Mr. Clever sighs and looks at the ceiling.
Mr. Clever: So insignificant. Understand this, Doctor! I have done something the Cybermen could never do! I have power the Time Lords never dreamed of! I am something new! And I…
Suddenly there is glow around Mr. Clever’s feet as he lifts off the ground. 
Mr. Clever: …will have my revenge! 
With that, Mr. Clever hurtles towards and through the ceiling as debris and dust fall down in the space between the Doctor, River and the Emperor. 

River: What the hell just happened here?

Emperor: That's what I'd like to know. Doctor?

The Doctor says nothing as he slowly walks to where the opened Cyberman helmet fell after Mr. Clever took it off at the end of the last episode. The Doctor lifts the opened helmet, closes it and holds it up facing him, like Hamlet looking at Yorick's skull.

The Doctor: Alas, poor Yorick...

River: Doctor...? 

The Doctor turns towards the Emperor. Holding the Cyber-helmet in one hand, the Doctor shakes the Emperor's hand with the other.

The Doctor: Pleasure to see you again, Porridge... I mean, Emperor. I don't mean to be rude...

River: Since when?

The Doctor: Hush, River! But River and I have to go and we have to go now! Come along, Pond!

River: What?

The Doctor grabs River's hand and pulls her away as they run towards an exit, leaving the Emperor standing alone in the chamber. 

Emperor: What? But... I mean.... what!

Scene change: TARDIS interior. The Doctor bustles in carrying the Cyberhead as River follows close behind, closing the doors. The Doctor places the head on a part of the console, then he puts on his sonic glasses as he starts to examine the head.

The Doctor: River, get the TARDIS in the low orbit over the planet.

River: Well, since you asked so nicely.

River pulls back the lever and the time rotors begin to turn. 

River: So are you going to tell me who or what that Mr. Clever is?

The Doctor: Certainly, River. As soon as I figure it out for myself. 

River: Doctor.

The Doctor looks up, takes off the sunglasses and turns towards River.

The Doctor: OK, short version. I was infected by the Cyber Planner which manifested itself in my head as a version of me and called himself Mr. Clever. We had a classic battle of wills, I won, Mr. Clever was expelled, the Cybermen were blown up and we all went out for ice creams. It was a lovely day, all in all.

River: You... all went out for ice creams. You and...?

The Doctor: You know.

The Doctor looks momentarily uncertain.

The Doctor: Other... people.

The Doctor puts his sunglasses on and resumes scanning the Cyber helmet. 

The Doctor: Mr. Clever discarded the helmet. Didn't think he needed it any more. All that astonishing sub microscopic nanotech imbedded in the metal flowed right into his new form.

River: Doctor...

The Doctor: But Cybermen are notoriously bad housekeepers, leaving bits and pieces of random code and software buried hither and yon. I bet you dollars to dwarf stars there still some small scrap of that nanotech lurking deep inside. 

River: Doctor…

The Doctor stares intently at the helmet through his sunglasses.

The Doctor: Uh huh?

River: When the Emperor mentioned Clara earlier…

The Doctor says nothing, just keeps scanning the helmet.

River: Doctor, what happened to Clara?

The Doctor pauses.

The Doctor: I… don’t remember.

River: You don’t remember what happened to Clara?

The Doctor: No. I… don’t remember Clara.

River: What? What happened? How could you forget Clara?

The Doctor: I haven’t forgotten Clara. I will never forget Clara. I just don’t… remember her.

River: That… doesn’t make sense.

The Doctor: I know. But it is what it... a-ha!

Scene shift from the Doctor's perspective. We see a gray fuzzy view with the tiniest pinprick of light shining through.

The Doctor (VO): Mr. Clever, you may be gone but I knew a part of you would stay with us.

Scene shift back to the TARDIS console as the Doctor removes his glasses.  

The Doctor: We can track Mr. Clever now.

River: Doctor, what are you not telling me?

The Doctor hooks the Cyberhelmet into a part of the console.

The Doctor: Why must you assume I’m not telling you something?

River: Because… you are the Doctor.

The Doctor pauses.

The Doctor: River, we still have our night together on Darillium. When this is over, I will tell you more. For now, we need to focus on this.

The Doctor walks away. River looks after him with a forlorn expression.

River (quietly): Of course, my love. 

The Doctor pulls over a monitor and stares at it thoughtfully.

The Doctor (muttering): Mr. Clever will have his revenge.

River: Yeah. But against who?

The Doctor looks at her with a faint smile and raises his eyebrows.

The Doctor: That is a very good question. I'm worried the answer might kill us all.

Scene change: outer space and a vast armada of ships. As our perspective moves and swirls about them, we see these are massive space vessels belonging to the Cybermen. Then our view moves out from the armada through the darkness of space until we come to rest on the surface of a moon. There is dim light of the stars we see faint outlines of the silver form we know as Mr. Clever. We move to a close up on his face with a wicked smile and evil glint in his eye.

Mr. Clever: Hello, children. Daddy's home.

-----to be continued----

Next week:

The Doctor and River are in hot pursuit of Mr. Clever but the Cybermen may have other plans.

And the Doctor asked a very good question: how can Mr. Clever exist? Maybe we'll find out next week.

Or maybe not.

Find out when episode three of Cybermania posts next Sunday.  

Until next time, remember to be good to one another.  

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