Monday, January 20, 2020

Doctor Who Is NEW!: Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror

Well, here we are with another week of Doctor Who and what do we have on tap this time? 

Gotta say a LOT is riding on this week's episode. After the heady two part rush of Spyfall, Series 12 spun out a bit with last week's Orphan 55, a confusing, overstuffed mess with an anvil heavy message about the dangers of ignoring climate change or the human race will turn into mutants.

Or something. 

This week, we're heading back in time to 1903 and New York City as the Doctor and the fam meet Nicola Tesla. 

How did that go? 

We'll find out more after the spoiler break.  

by Nina Metivier

In the latest episode of Doctor Who, we meet Nikola Tesla, a man who's boundless intellect and imagination outpaces his ability to convince the world of the value of his ideas and invention. Dismissed as impractical, unbalanced and unhinged by investors and the press, Tesla's playing second fiddle to the more famous and practical minded Thomas Edison.   

Alien scavengers are hidden above the Earth, their patchwork ship of stolen parts needs work and the alien race called the Skithra have determined Nicola Tesla is the best man on Earth to fix it. 

Not if the Doctor and her friends have anything to say about it.  And the race is on! 

A chase on a train opens the episode with aliens who look human except for the red eyes and the electricity sparking from their fingertips.  

We also get frickin' giant space scorpions shooting frickin' lasers from their frickin' space scorpion tails.  

We also get a Skithra queen who hisses and mocks the Doctor much like the Racnoss queen from "The Runaway Bride". 

We also get the fam in period dress.

This episode has a lot going on and it's all absurd, over the top and a lot of fun. 

Goran Višnjić does a great job bring Nikola Tesla to life, brimming with genius and imagination but haunted by his failure to convince anyone around him of the value of his ideas.  

The episode still struggles, as most episodes of the Chibnall era do, with a too large cast. Between the Doctor, 3 companions, Tesla, his assistant Dorothy and Thomas Edison, that's 7 people to keep track of.  Each member of the Doctor's fam gets some stuff to do but it still can feel like so much busy work to make sure the fam is useful. 

Over all, Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror is an action packed episode with humor and heart, a marked improvement over last week's episode.


Next week, the Judoon! 

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