Friday, January 17, 2020

My God, That Woman Is Made Of Legs!

Today is one of those days when I really can't string a lot of words together to form sentences that form coherent thought. 

Work-Work (the work I do at the job that pays me my moneys) is really eating up a lot of time and energy for the last couple of days.

I already have tomorrow's Songs For Saturday ready to go and the Cinema Sunday post for the day after all set. 

But today, I'm not ready for. Now, I could try to sling some words together to express some cogent observations about the pending Trump impeachment trial. But I don't know if I could get past by cynical detached expression of "Ain't nothing gonna happen." 

Or I could share this photo that Karen Gillan posted on Twitter recently and my comment on said photo.

While reviewing a file of previous TARDIS inhabitants, Clara gets to Amy Pond's photo and exclaims, "My God, that woman is made of legs!"

So it's not just me being a pervert about Karen Gillan's legs. It's a Doctor Who reference.  

I was hoping my comment might get a response from Ms. Gillan, even if it was a rebuke that should appreciate her for her mind and not ogle her body, 

I do appreciate her mind that resides on top of those long, beautiful legs of hers. 

How she gets around in those shoes, I have no idea. 

OK, this is why I wasn't going to write much of anything today. 

Remember to be good to one another. 

And check back in tomorrow. Got some cool music for this Saturday's post featuring Sarah McLachlan, Foster the People and Joan Osborne!  

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