Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tuesday TV Touchbase (1/14/2017): Stumptown, Young Sheldon, Perfect Harmony & The Good Place

Hi there! It's another installment of Tuesday TV Touchbase

After a short winter's nap, 4 of the TV shows Andrea and I watch on network television have returned with new episodes.

What exactly went down at the end of the fall finale of Stumptown? We're left hanging until the end of last week's episode on at least one key point. 

It's clear that Hoffman and Dex are at different places in their relationship and it's not until the end of last week's episode that we get a flashback of Dex giving Hoffman the old "I need my space" brush off which might mean "at this moment, I need my space" but Hoffman seems to be reacting to as "this woman never wants me in her space ever again" and he's bummed about it.

Dex has managed to back burner Ansel's wish to move out. She still treats him like a child and attempts to negotiate with him as such (Extending curfew?) Ansel is 21 years old. Yes, he has Down's Syndrome which makes him look younger than that but he's not a child and needs to move on with his life accordingly.  Finally, Dex relents when Grey offers to let Ansel move in with him as a transition step. 

Grey and Dex share a shot of whiskey, declare that everything's cool now and move on with their lives. No, everything is so not cool with these two but but they've both agreed to share the lie that they are over a drink. 

The episode opens up with Dex on a TV courtroom show where she's suing a client for not ponying up the $500 fee for finding her client's missing cat. The client is alleging Dex delivered a fake cat. Despite the fact the cat she delivered matches exactly the one in the client's photo, right down to having 3 legs.  The judge rules in Dex's favor and then hires Dex to take care of things vis a vie his deadbeat brother.   

It is, as most things are in Stumptown, a complicated thing. 

Meanwhile, Hoffman has coerced Grey into helping bust a car jacking ring. It's complicated.  

Young Sheldon
Sheldon is miffed that George Jr taped over his latest episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation with an episode of Baywatch. 

As fans of Star Trek: TNG back in the day, Andrea and I sympathized with Sheldon's plight.  Even though I set my VCR to record each week's new episode of Star Trek: TNG each Saturday, Andrea and I would still adjust our schedules regarding dining out or doing other dating stuff to make sure we were able to watch the new episodes when they came on because we didn't quite completely trust my VCR.

Yes, I know that is a sad story.  

Also Pastor Jeff gets married right away because Pastor Jeff seriously needs to get laid.  

Perfect Harmony
SPOILER (not that anyone cares): Ginny is not pregnant.

The Good Place
Judge Hydrogen really irked me this episode. She's looking for the doo-hickey to reboot all of humanity right back to the beginning, erasing all the humans that exist and ever existed and I presume all they ever did. 

Including creating the TV series Justified which the Judge admits she has not finished watching yet. Which if she is successful, she never will.  Her crush on Timothy Olyphant will remain unfulfilled. 

In order to make their case with the judge, Janet summons up Timothy Olyphant to help sway Judge Jen. He shows up complete with the Stetson hat he wears in Justified.  

Judge Gen is so hung up on human pop culture and yet wants to terminate all of human existence. It makes no sense and after awhile, Maya Rudolph (who I normally admire) began to irritate me.  

Chidi after hundreds of years and several reboots is remarkably chill and self confident. Philosophy and ethics are still his jam but he's no longer a dithering, indecisive idiot about it.  

Eleanor is right: this Chidi is really hot. 

Michael completes a Hail Mary pass that finally gets Shawn on board with an afterlife re-do that does NOT require Judge Gen to reboot the entirely of human existence. 

What happens next? See ya next week. 

We're barreling down the track to The Good Place series finale. 

As much as I hate to see The Good Place go, it seems to me that everyone's playing out the string until the series finale, like we're spinning our wheels. 

That being said, I would rather watch The Good Place spin its wheels than most other shows.  

What's next on TV?

Tonight is episode 4 of Jeopardy! The Greatest of All Time! The 3 episodes from last week were exciting and fun to watch. Ken holds a 2 to 1 edge over James Holzhauzer and a win tonight brings the tournament to an end and Ken becomes the GOAT. 

Also tonight is episode 4 AND 5 of Crisis On Infinite Earths. When we left off at the end of episode 3 a month ago, Lex Luthor has killed off the last remaining Superman in the multiverse while the last remaining Earth got swallowed up by the anti-matter wave. Our heroes are not starting off from a good place at all.

I'll pontificate a bit more on these shows in next week's Tuesday TV Touchbase. 

Plus some words about The Crown and (yes, we are a Disney+ house now) The Mandolorian. 

Until next time, remember to watch more TV.

And also remember to be good to one another.    

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