Friday, January 24, 2020

The Suspense Is NOT Killing Me

The Senate trial in the impeachment of Donald Trump moves forward towards its inevitable fall into the abyss of irrelevancy.

Oh, the Democratic impeachment case managers have done an exemplary job of making the case that Trump violated the US Constitution with his efforts to extort Ukraine to do his personal dirty work of propagating spurious and unfounded accusations and his refusal to cooperate with the House of Representatives in their investigations.  

But no one is listening.

Republican Senators are wiling away the hours during testimony, playing with fidget spinners.

Over on Fox News, you can see coverage of the Senate trial but there's no audio. Instead of hearing the meticulously gathered evidence against Trump, Fox News viewers hear from Fox pundits, talking over the footage, giving their pro-Trump, anti-impeachment spin. 

The fix is in.

Waiting out the end of this trial in the Senate, I can honestly say the suspense is not killing me. 

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