Friday, January 31, 2020

The Impeachment Inevitability

Yesterday finished the Q&A part of the Senate trial over Donald Trump's impeachment. Not that it matters. We know the fix is in. Even if there are enough votes to request witnesses to testify before the Senate, the Republicans are already lined up to vote to not remove Trump from office. 

The inevitability of this action is assured.  

Not that the Republicans didn't have a little fun along the way. 

Rand Paul tried to slip in a question to make Chief Justice John Roberts says the name of the whistleblower. John was not going to fall for that again, not after Ruth Bader Ginsburg tricked him with "Homo say what?" bit. 

Also Sen. Kennedy from Louisiana used his question opportunity to ask "What exactly did Hunter Biden do to earn his money as a board member of Burisma?" The answer appears to be "he did jack shit to earn his money" but I'm thinking, I'm down with that. 

Meanwhile, the man the Senate Republicans have bartered their souls to Satan to defend, Donald J. Trump, continues to be a fucking lying moron.  I mean, the GOP is going to the wall for defend... this guy? I mean, come on! 

If Li'l Donnie was a nice guy with a even temperment and a gracious attitude towards others, I would get it. Let's go to the mat to defend that guy! 

But Li'l Donnie is not a nice guy. He's ill tempered and lacks one particle of anything resembling human empathy. He's stupid and cranky and quite frankly, there may be something wrong with him. 

At his most recent circle jerk off rally, Trump's speech reached new depths of slurring and incoherence. The Republican Party is rallying to protect this moron who may be in a state of having a perpetual stroke. 

What does it matter? Today or next week, the vote will be taken and Donald Trump will not be removed from office. And he'll go off on a rampaging rant about how he has been totally vindicated and we'll have to deal with that shit.

The fix is in. 

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